Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)


Hot damn. I legit thought I had heard every variation of ligma at this point. I legit had to think for a moment about what the hell ā€œThe Hava Agreementā€ is.


FFXIV spoiler ahead, I guess.


I have reached Rapture
This expansion sure is taking me places.

eversong woods feels so dated with itā€™s questing experience. maybe i should just go do bfa or something

just wanted to fully immerse myself in the belf lif

Legionā€™s for pros, easy questlines, many quests, not many cinematics. I usually start with Azsuna, mixed with some random quests up to level 35.

When you reach level 35; drop legion and go to silverpine, youā€™ll do 35-50 in silverpine+Hillsbrad quickly

Considering how the russian laws regarding trademarking are a first to mark kind of deal and ignoring a global CC-BY-SA licensing then I fail to see what piracy has to do with this particular case.

I am well aware their laws are strict, but enforcement being lax (curtesy of my Russian guildie explaining stuff to me).

I still have a habit of flying around that place as I wait for roulettes to pop, just soaking in the atmosphere and the music.

Hope you enjoy what comes next, though.

Also a peeve: itā€™s bloody 29c today AND humid af end my existence please


Iā€™m certainly loving the atmosphere here. It would also work as a great spot for RP.
The story in SB was so far quite good, with a bit of a slowdown in the LaHee forest and the desert area with a handful of highlights that save both zones. Relationship between certain characters was the most interesting part of it all imo.

34 here. The arctic circle is so close.

This is normal.

Nothing to see here.

Keep buying oil.

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Okay Iā€™ve finished Loki now

Can I just say I resent how boring Lokiā€™s outfits were throughout the show
dude can literally make his own clothes at any time and ran around in a boring 50s business suit for 95% of it

Probably a cost saving measure
but idc
it sucked


male and female worgen should look 100% alike imo


Canā€™t wait to play through Shadowbringers again, NGL.

Shadowbringers SpoilersUnfortunately, the story of the Shadowbringers expansion means that it's been kind of like what Warlords of Draenor and Shadowlands were like for WoW roleplayers.

Everyone but the Warrior of Light is stuck in either the First or the Source, with no easy way to move between the two worlds. So, most roleplayers have just had their characters keep on doing their thing in the Source, with only a handful of communities doing anything concerning the First. Itā€™s sad, considering what a wonderful world it is, but most people would rather keep on roleplaying their existing characters in the Source.

Thatā€™s the general consensus, although lots of people have a much more negative impression of the desert area.

Shadowbringers SpoilersIf I had to deal with just the Trolley Saga, or just Ran'jit being Ran'jit, or just Thancred's fake-out death, I would've been able to brush it off. But Amh Araeng having all three of those things almost killed my desire to keep playing.

Fixed in ten characters!

Itā€™s 17Ā°C here, itā€™s decent. Do you live in a freakinā€™ swamp or what?

Youā€™d think so but no, I live in Denmark the southern most NORDIC country but it sure feels like southern europe rn

Dude I live in FINLAND and itā€™s 30Ā°C here! FINLAND! I did not sign up for this! I ainā€™t designed to be in the presence of NATURAL LIGHT!

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Oh I expected as much, but at least it could be used as just a playground ā€œnot X ICā€ kind of thing. Same goes for the rest of the zones.


Yeah, I get you. I think those things could still be fine if only the quests were trimmed and there was less meandering. While the payoff with the Trolley was satisfying imo, the journey to that conclusion just wasnā€™t very compelling. I didnā€™t mind Ranā€™jit, personally. And Thancred fakeoutā€¦ I mean, I just accepted that none of the main cast ever die, so I donā€™t really care anymore whenever this happens. Not with Thancred, Not with Yā€™shtola a bit earlier. But we had this discussion some time ago.

So yeah, like I said, those 2 zones were kinda mid with a few highlights that saved them for me.

Also side note but unless I misheard it, when Thancred talks with Ranā€™jit before the fight is about to begin, I think he referred to Ryne/Minfilia as little sister in Japanese voice over, whereas English subs change the conversation to make it look like they fight for who can be a father figure. :thinking:

Laughs in Tropical Man.