Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

I am! I’m logged in right now.

So am I. The stars have finally aligned.

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I am Teneb Parsley give me your friend details RIGHT NOW

You know you’re both in the AD CWLS right?

You need to log in to add friends.

The Chaos invasion spawns in Naggarond, as well as the Chaos Wastes . It stopped the spawning around Lustria and Ulthuan in… I think the Clan Molder DLC?

Pretty sure I’m either very attractive or something else in my room is, because my window has sort of become a death’s door for birds, or at least they keep flying into it (though at least most of them fly away after, not die).

(no shut up stonetower they don’t want to hunt me)

Birds can’t recognise reflections, so if a window reflects something they want to fly to - like a branch or something - they’ll plow right into the window.

90% of the time they’ll just be stunned for a bit and just need some time before they fly off again

yeah that’s right you thought I was being mean but instead I was offering genuine advice get WRECKED


Oh, I have a bush nearby so I guess it reflects.

guess you aren’t like clockwork after all, that ammonia person lied s m h :pensive: :fist:

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I like to keep people on their toes

On a more positive note, got checked for the lump I found in my breast earlier today and it’s just a harmless hematoma from when I had a massive bruise about a month ago.

Quite a scare, but glad it was just what we expected it to be in the end.


My mum had a cancer scare a few years ago and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone - I’m glad it’s benign!


I know the feeling. Last year I got scared by sudden, periodically reappearing dull pain in the side of my breast that appeared after taking a hot bath. Went to a mammologist fearing the worst, did diagnostics, thankfully they found nothing pathological and the pain turned out to have had a different cause entirely (and has since been solved).


Ooof glad it was just a scare for your mum, mine had one this last christmas season so it was even more awful than usual.
Cancer is sucky and it’s the one thing I never wish upon anyone whatsoever.

Even if it’s benign it’s always good to have been checked, just incase. Very glad yours was just something else and since been solved


Wish it was me. Half way through got distracted by raids and now I’m leveling a ninja job. I don’t even like it that much, I just want to put on the glam I made :pensive:


big mood honestly

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the rains have ceased. and we are greeted with another beautiful day.

but you are not here to see it…


Poor boy couldn’t even remember what he was even fighting for at the end.


here i go making an elezen alt. the absolute state of me


unironically did a few days ago. levelling her up to get to ast so i can be like daddy urianger.

the arcana is the means by which all is revealled…