Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

He tries to unlock the secrets of their dogged pursuit by taking a literal walk in their shoes.


alisae can be heard cackling in the distance

that is true. SHB showed such things arent easy to change and are hard to hide from those with the echo. or yshtola.

itā€™s also difficult because at what point does the entire population just decide it wants to be cat people because they are objectively better

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Arenā€™t they already a majority lol

only until femboy viera come out

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Even then.

they need to sort out hairstyles and hats before weā€™ll see viera rival miqoā€™te.

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I doubt it. They will certainly put a dent into cat numbers, but not near enough to make any lasting impact on catgirl enjoyers population.

Trying to buy a house is big and scary, ahah :sweat_smile: thatā€™s the peeve.

Relatable. We tried it last year and gave up from the pressure.

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Iā€™d seriously use the Alphinaud hairstyle on my viera if I could.

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Yeah, as I said, it would be problematic if it was available to every tom, dick and harry. But I thought the flavor was more something like: ā€œThank you for saving Eorzea, Warrior of Light! As your special, once-in-a-lifetime reward, you get a single opportunity to become what youā€™ve always dreamt of being!ā€ But it turns out itā€™s not even that, it just flat out doesnā€™t exist.

b-but you can wear thighighs as a dude thats something r-right haha

looks at the camera like hes on the office

Tried recreating Armor of Favour from DS (Lautrec of Carim).
I should try other helmets.

tried Adamantite Barbut of Fending ?


Heavy Metal Coif of Fending

heroes donā€™t wear helmets


Obligatory TV Tropes link:


Considered it, yeah, but the cloth top is too different in color, making it stick out a lot. I might go back to it still but uuuuh.

I want to try the crown with the veil helmet that comes from a shb dungeon Iā€™m yet to unlock.

Edit: didnā€™t see you edited. Heavy metal was also considered, but you can see face too much, so Iā€™m not that fond of it.

well, thatā€™s okay, lautrec is actually a donkeyā€™s backside.


Iā€™m pretty sure that oneā€™s not dyeable.

Confound it, Yoshi-sama. Why dost thou hate me so.