Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Wait lemme guess

Stepon Memother

a lalafell


How could you be so crude?

Itā€™s Arleaux Cienaront, a very classy Elezen. :nail_care:


elezen gang


thatā€™s his secret alt

A Balmung alt, no less

I look at the camera and muster a smile as iā€™m forced to level a new character, forced through the 5 year long monologue and pantheon slaying. Again.

You can see the despair in my eyes. Doing it as lancer though because spears are cool.

Honestly the ā€˜generalā€™ chat of Ulā€™dah is the wild west, I can 100% say that all of the cursed things I have said do not come close to some of the eldritch texts my eyes had the misfortune to view in that shrine to sin.

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It is nothing like it is on Omega. Quicksand is not an ā€œrpā€ hub at all here. You will find a lot more tomfoolery in Limsa and even there itā€™s not really anything obscene.

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Itā€™s just a placeholder until I can play Dark Knight. :sunglasses:

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thatā€™s because they mostly have the common decency to at least do it in /w.

Based choice

At least you can do it surrounded by other ADers willing to help.

Iā€™ll give you an invite to the CWLS (if somebody else hasnā€™t already)

EDIT: Somebody DID beat me to it.

Good, thatā€™s why everybody can invite.

I wonder how linkshells are going to work come Endwalker and the data center visiting system

Yā€™all ever eat freshly warm baguette that has that perfectly crisp crust, but soft and warm interior? Each bite so crunchy :100:



hope to see all you elezen make the jump over to bunboys when they drop :pray:

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Been thinking about using my free fantasia to change my characterā€™s tail into the fat one


Wish I could sell my free fantasia on the marketboard :pensive: