Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Been a lizard with thick tail too. When bunnies came out I changed to one. When I came back to the game this time I decided to change back to a lizard, but I dun goofed and gave her a forked tail. Also made a wrong eye color. I can not justify another fantasia vial just to fix those 2 things.

I get 2 free fantasias on every new character I make.

Is it possible to learn such power?

Well, the 1st is a left over from veteran rewards way back when in ARR.

The 2nd is because i have the digital delux edition of Heavensward.

Which also gave me a gryphon mount.

heheh yeah who would do that



just pick the best options at character creation you fools!!!

Catgirls (and whatever else there was), here I come.


Lord Ignul speaks harshly but truly


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sweats in elezen dragoon

Stone furries

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I was thinking of doing it just for the sake of RP. Ejinn is a river tribe known for being excellent swimmers so them having a crocodile-like tail just makes sense.

Peeve I live in the part of my country that did infact not get any bloody rain today… I would love me some rain and not this humid warmth making existence suffering

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Got to level 10 and taking a break, will get back to the grind later. :weary:

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Back to work maggot.

…Well, this is just what I’ve been waiting for. Finally unlocking the bard class and musical instruments, only to be hit by an immersion-breaking ToS screen saying that playing copyrighted music is strictly prohibited.

It’s like those anti-piracy ads at the start of DVDs, they interrupt my joy and ruin my mood even if I wasn’t actually planning to do what they forbid me to do.

Edit: Wait, there are only three octaves available? How on Earth Eorzea am I supposed to play anything remotely complex with three octaves?

That’s it!
Im going to download a car.


There has been thunder here.
In a circle around this place.
But not at this place.

So now I live in a muggy bowl.

And no one ever cared about it as far as I could tell from my visits to Limsa.


You can ignore the ToS message. Everyone plays whatever music they want and even use a bot that plays it. To my knowledge, nobody has ever been banned for it. 3 octaves is too little, I agree, but honestly people manage with that quite well. The bigger issue is that 2 notes can not play at the same time.

That too :frowning: