Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Honestly the thing that impresses me the most about the Elune cinematic is the fact that I just genuinely don’t care about it, no feelings

Within a year I’ve gone from really being into certain story threads etc into just complete apathy towards the entire setting, takes a special kind of writing to get there


We already have a tear for whatever maguffin purpose this may be, sitting safe in Dalaran unless someone butterfingered it into enemy hands á la tidestone.

Is the video so bad? It seems to be that Elune is just doing deity stuff. Not worse than the other videos we’ve had so far - dare I say, a little better?

My only complaint is the part in which Elune [claims/confirms] she could have actually saved all these souls but instead just went “you know what? you can all die my fave babies, go feed my sister, see you in the afterlife”-thing.

Or worse, she actually orchestrated BFA’s biggest genocide by pulling the strings through some god-like special power, somehow influencing Sylvanas (?), but this sounds implausible.

It may not be as bad or as overtly goofy as other cinematic, but it’s yet another straw on a camel whose back has been split in half by now.

Night elf souls becoming wisps somehow tied to the magical forest they inhabit is lore that’s more explored lately. Charitably interpreted in want of further context, she let the souls pass from one magic forest to another to help her sister, not knowing they were actually being flushed.

I’ve done like… two and a half art things and now I’m tired.

Don’t get into art kids. It’s draining.
But also rewarding.
So do get into art.
Draw me something.

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Good thing my character likely won’t ever learn about this IC, otherwise she’d be left completely heartbroken and wrecked and maybe even denounce Elune out of spite accuse whoever brought her the news of lying and keep thinking that this whole “hole in the sky” thing doesn’t concern her.

But do we even know what the dark eyes mean for anyone?

petition to immediately kill on sight anyone who makes a mention of this IC in anywhere

dumb encyclopedia meta-lore rpers get outtttttt


My demon hunter was actually there to see that conversation and is flying back right now (on his demon wings) to tell everyone.

Don’t grief me by ignoring my RP please.

Ah Total War jank, never change

In 2hrs 15min I know wether or not I got into uni this year.

Jokes on you. I don’t acknowledge Demon Hunters IC.

On some more positive news, I have been re-discovering Dragon Age: Origins, and I literally did this scene just today.

I couldn’t stop laughing.


Just paid someone on Patreon for the first time.

And discovered that unlike every single other monthly payment platform I’ve encountered, making a monthy payment on Patreon doesn’t give you benefits that last for a month since your payment, but rather until the 1st of next month, at which point you’ll be charged again.

That’s… one way to do it, I guess.

Imagine believing in an eyewitness statement from a Demon Hunter


that’s funny.


Their eyes are literally gone and replaced by demonfire. I’d be better off consulting an astrologer.

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FF14 players watching the Wow refugees joining them with sour and anger must surely asked themselves this iconic line.

“Damn, what did Blizzard do to make dem Ninjas that mad?!”

I hope the Wow refugees can find peace and get over the sunk cost fallacy.

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She-Ra got herself locked in the shed while there was fireworks going off.