Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Shaking the school application site let me in, let me iiiiiiiiiiiin

I thought they were essentially nothing for the normals, just a sign of being a witness to what happened :man_shrugging:

You are ugly because you are a scorpio

  • the cancer gang :cancer:

Outrageous! My ugliness has nothing to do with the stars.

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Of course it is! its written in the stars, the sauce pan with the fancy name in particular.

ah yes, lvl 50 forneus amidst my level 7 flies.

so me and my good buddy attempted a solo run of coils of bahamut yesterday, just so we could see the story.

we were flying through until we hit turn 4 of the second coil and then got absolutely obliterated and couldn’t find a way to survive the fight

very sad

why are you lying you don’t have any buddies

don’t feel bad because you didn’t get an invite to the inner circle

it’s nothing personal, i just detest your very being

like i’d ever want to be friends with you, baka

don’t play coy with me

i’ve been through your journal (yes i know it said don’t open on the front) and seen the things you’ve written and drawn about me

did you get to the schoolgirl tentacle chapter yet

i did, and to be fair i thought it was very tastefully done

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Look at these kittens.

Just look at them.


Late reply but:


PILATE: So, your father was a Stowmwindian. Who was he?

BRIAN: He was a supplier in the Lunarfall Garrison.

PILATE: Weally? What was his name?

BRIAN: Garrison Ford.

CENTURION: Ahh, ha ha!

PILATE: Centuwion, do we have anyone of that name in the gawwison?

CENTURION: Well, no, sir.

PILATE: Well, you sound vewy sure. Have you checked?

CENTURION: Well, no, sir. Umm, I think it’s a joke, sir,… like, uh, ‘Captain Placeholder’ or… ‘Limsa Lominsa’, sir.

GUARD #4: chuckling

PILATE: What’s so… funny about ‘Limsa Lominsa’?

CENTURION: Well, it’s a joke name, sir.

PILATE: I know a vewy gweat city on Eowzea called Limsa Lominsa.

GUARD #4: chuckling

PILATE: Silence! What is all this insolence? You will find yourself in gladiator school vewy quickly with wotten behavior like that.

BRIAN: Can I go now, sir?


Aaah! Eh.

PILATE: Wait till they hear of this in Limsa Lominsa.

GUARD #4: chuckling

PILATE: Wight! Take him away!

CENTURION: Oh, sir, he-- he only–

PILATE: No, no. I want him fighting wabid, wild animals within a week.

CENTURION: Yes, sir. Come on, you.

GUARD #4: Ha ha haa ha, ha ha ha. Hooo hooo hoo hoo. Hoo hoo…

PILATE: I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. Anybody else feel like a little… giggle… when I mention the city of… Limsa…

GUARD #1: chuckling

PILATE: …Lominsa?

GUARD #1: chuckling

PILATE: What about you? Do you find it… wisible… when I say the name… Limsa…

GUARD #3: chuckle

PILATE: …Lominsa?

GUARD #1 and GUARD #2: chuckling

PILATE: They have a wuler, you know. You know what she’s called? She’s called… Merlwyb.

GUARDS: chuckling

PILATE: Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn.

GUARDS: laughing

PILATE: Stop! What is all this?

GUARDS: Ha, ha ha ha ha ha…

PILATE: I’ve had enough of this wowdy webel sniggewing behavior. Silence! Call yourselves Pwaetowian guards? You’re not-- Seize him! Seize him! Blow your noses and seize him!


I will not take this slander of my zodiac >:C

This talk of Zodiacs reminds me that in an FF dungeon, the group told me I should change The Cat’s name to Virgo because of when he was born.

*obviously jokingly, they were a great bunch of random strangers.

Speaking of FF, really want to get my Elezen up to and through Shadowbringers because i want a new transmog on him.

But I HAVE to catch all the classes I’m doing on him up to the others first.

I’m currently getting through Stormblood.

I find it really interesting that Stormblood and Bloodstorm have the exact same words but have very different tones

How far in are you?