Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

let they who are without sin cast the first bonk

Theyā€™re already playing.

that cinematic was quite nice for like 95% of it

All of them?

Spoiler tags, please! Some of us are still playing through the story!


No fret, Iā€™ve not spoiled anything.

Iā€™ll tag future story stuff with the expansion though just in case

With all this horrible stuff going on, Iā€™ve lost my passion for lengthy headcanon posts knowing they only exist because I had fun filling gaps left by someone being too much of a lazy horny drunk playing CoD on the job to write a proper setting.

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Got some big oleā€™ hailstones and very loud thunder. Doesnā€™t sound too far away.

Unironically one of my former bosses, minus the whole harassment thing.

Youā€™ve mentioned her before. Seems like a lovely person.

Nope, thatā€™s a different one. Both of them were characters though.

I guess the two were made for each other.

Thereā€™s thunder rolling around ATM and its making She-Ra cry.

Seems to be across a large part of Europe. We had muscular thunder here outside of EU up until 10 minutes ago.

Love me a good thunderstorm.


I see you too are a man of culture.

They donā€™t make 'em like they used to.

Have Fajitas.

Mini is trying to be my best friend.


Exhausted of energy companies trying to get me to switch to their provider, utilizing every possible marketing ploy to get me to join them but apparently they canā€™t seem to accept ā€œOk, Iā€™ll think about it. Just send me an Email with all the details and Iā€™ll ponder on it and do some comparison.ā€ but want you to say yes, right then and there.

Btw Iā€™m also a very, very, very annoying target. I will very much make their job harder, not so much trolling in a Longmont Potion Castle way but I will not be very receptive in most cases.

Being in a call center or phone salesperson sounds like purgatory to me, so every now and then Iā€™ll just tell them like it is ā€œNot interested, donā€™t call me ever again.ā€.