Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

building a village in my Minecraft World.

A cat spawns on the roof of one of the new houses i built.

Me - “what are you doing up there?”

And the minecraft cat responded.

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People seem to be unable to judge my age via phone so I’m just like “I’ll ask my parents” and then never get called again.


Leap of Faith Kugane coming soon.

I’m going to scream (in pain).

Same thing, but with ISPs. My mobile operator has been persistently trying to get me to use it as my home ISP too, even though we already have a regular and a backup ISP and have no motivation to switch, and I’ve repeatedly told them I’m not interested.

What’s more annoying is that they’re just following a script. All beginning the conversation exactly the same way and answering my objections with exactly the same word-for-word canned response. Not a great way to make a good impression.


I used to have to do that job and it was always terrible to go through the spiel

The absolute worst part was that the better deals were not from the supplier themselves - most energy suppliers are strictly limited in how many tarrifs they’re allowed to offer - but instead exclusive deals from comparison sites. I knew this, my management knew this, often customers knew it, but I wasn’t allowed to tell them.

I would normally tell people anyway


Or they tell you that you are a valuable customer and as a reward they gift you an extra simcard! Yous till have to pay for it of course.
What’s that? You own only one device that can hold a simcard? Well you can gift it to someone!
I’m not even gonna start on the bank that tries its damndest to get me to acquire their credit card in addition to my debit one.

I’m not angry at the person on the phone though, of course.

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Is it possible to learn this power?

That’s also why I would never do their job. It’s dehumanizing.

The funnier part is that the same providers who often contact me to make me an offer, completely forget that I’m also one of their customers who already purchased/own a similar product they want to sell to me.

Peeve: Discord implementing threads so who’s copying who now, Slack??

i hated the threads function in Slack so im hoping ppl won’t use it much now :face_vomiting:

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Just sound young. Done! (you also may want to sound insecure when answering basic questions, just add “uuh” and "uhm"s where needed)

Probably also helps when the language you speak has a formal and informal version of you and once they used the informal one on you it gets embarrassing when it turns out you’re older than 18.

entirely unrelated, I both adore your new hat mog and also miss the old one.

The Inquisitor Hood is such a classic


[this is one of my particular favourite transmogs and I’m sad I never got chance to use him in RP]

Actually it’s from Legion



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clowning on me behind a spoiler tag is like a double clowning, extremely well played

I operate on a plane you can not comprehend.


deez nuts

as a certified aircraft engineer (none of you can prove otherwise) I think I can comprehend whatever plane you are operating on

brigante get off elly’s account this instant


Oh please, that post was barely one sentence long. If it was brigposting it’d be 13 paragraphs and derail itself at least twice.


Look, Okay, northrend is a Continent

[this is an esoteric reference]

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This attitude online is a peeve, people making up grandiose stories about themselves to the point where it’s impossible to tell when they’re genuine.

Thank you
I still love the old hat but I had that mog since Legion and sometimes I just need something new