ah. the legendary “When I was a drunken boy…” posting
but every minute was well spent crafting the perfect responses that will live on in memory for eons to come.
went to IKEA yesterday
I bet you bought lots of things you didn’t need, didn’t you?
He ate too much köttbullar.
It was the perfect storm. It was IKEA, it was payday.
I’m never going to financially recover from this.
I think there’s an ointment for that, Kehinaan.
You sound like you need to step into Aerilen’s office of payday loans…
please, i just need a few hundred to see me through. i promise i’ll get it back to you in a week no issue
That’s okay man, just don’t forget the interest otherwise SUDDEN SLEEP and SILENT DEATH
will be having words.
u hear a gunshot with the flex of each biscep
okay what is the interest. i’m hoping it’s reasonable
High, sky high. Higher than any billionaire dreams to go.
stares at Aerilen
Oh my god!
That’s not a blood elf, that’s a shark dressed in a blood elf suit!
If so, then that’s a downright lie
If you’re not staring at a problem, reading and re-reading the manual, looking at the rest of the team who are also scratching their heads, and then go “Well, we’ll figure it out as we go”, are you even engineering?
To my fellow Pathfinder players like Elenthas and Stonetower.
Wrath of the Righteous is now available for pre-purchase. I can accept the base game for being at that price that it is but oof, the DLCs almost double it. Season Pass and items for better/easier time ingame.
Think it’s worthwhile? I’m kinda dodging spoilers like the plague and also want to have fun with it with fresh and uninfluenced mind (By reviews I mean) and since you guys are the ones who recommended it to me, I trust your opinions.
So just like last year the maintenance guy at the school next door has to test the alarms to make sure everything works. (First week of summer holidays)
And just like last year
he doesn’t know how to turn it off again.
At least this time he called us before he started the test.
But please
tHE PeOPle wHO CaN TuRN iT oFF

Wrath of the Righteous is now available for pre-purchase
Kickstarted it so I got my copy for $28 or whatever the equivalent is in £s at that point, probably like £20-£25.
As for DLC, I’d recommend ignoring them entirely if you’re concerned about money. Whatever items the Commander’s Pack has won’t matter and will almost certainly be replaced in the midgame at the latest.
And the Season Pass is for stuff that won’t be at release and is still subject to change. Assuming they do the same thing they did with Kingmaker the Season Pass will still be on offer even when all the DLCs are out, and almost certainly on a sale discount.
Buy the base game (if you want it) and off the extra stuff for like a year and a bit when the season pass is fully released. Because at that point you’ll probably be up for another playthrough anyway.
Edit: Also, likewise, the pre-order bonuses aren’t notable and the items will be swiftly replaced. If you don’t want to play it at release, consider holding off for two months for the halloween sale, chances are it’ll get like a 10% off or something by that point. Ain’t much, but cash is cash.
Edit2: The season pass as described is very similar to Kingmaker’s in nature. #1 is some additional quests/content for your “main character”. #2 is a side campaign using a different “main character” but in the same area. #3 is a roguelite/roguelite dungeon. So if you played Kingmaker’s season pass, it sounds like WotR’s is going to be similar in ‘core concept’.
Right. I hear ya.
Base game it is. The DLCs can wait… Had it been any other game, I might have waited for a year later for a discount with all the DLCs already present but can’t wait.
Thanks for the infos and clarification!
It’s finally a day with rain and cool temps, life is bearable once again

but every minute was well spent crafting the perfect responses that will live on in memory for eons to come.

The dark clouds promising the relief of cool rainfall before vanishing entirely for Yet. Another. Cloudless. Scalding. Day.
I’m drinking my weight just to stay alive.