This. That’s what I like about Bretonnia really. Yes the Knights of Bretonnia are probably some of the biggest badasses in Warhammer who are everything you’d want from a hero. But they also keep the common folk down in the dirt and live a life of luxury. I think it’s kinda cool that there are two sides to them.
The number of people who think GW uniquely is the devil and don’t understand they live in a system where all this is industry standard is unbelievable.
This is everything I ever wanted thank you for this gift
The ecclesiarchy cannot have “men-at-arms” so they arm women, okay but find a way to juice a woman with Space Marine stuff and you’ll barely tell the musclebound boxes of armour apart unless they’re without a helmet and it’s not like marines have gendered expectations in the first place as monastic orders explicitly set apart from the traditional structure of society.
They’re all yolked, numb, chemically castrated conditioned war machines anyway. At most the battle-brother/battle-sister model would see the SoB rebrand their basic infantry.
Can really go play a different game at this point or grow out of this hysterical outrage.
These people don’t even recognise the arguments that they’re making, though.
Artio, celtic bear goddess. Artorus, male name meaning bear. Both words having indo-european roots. Writing up a scenario where historical Arthur was a celtic queen worshiping the bear goddess isn’t too far fetched as history turns to legend into myth and the biases of a later age and society sets in.
Astarte, war and sex goddess was male in the arabian version of the wider pantheon of the fertile crescent, as an example.
It’s supposed to be satire but at the same time the Imperium is glorified as a flagship faction so much that its parody fascist elements become iconic and a keystone aesthetic. And real life fascists drawn to 40k worship aesthetics.
I think the ubersreik captain’s hat is an obtainable reward in Vermintide 1.
Are bound by oath and refined to weed out the dregs and produce the best of the best of humanity as noble superhero grail knights. To meatwall Athel Loren against Chaos.
Oh Lileath, you scamp.
And Custodes.
There’s absolutely no lore reason for why they are all dudes. Their creation process has nothing in common with that of Marines, being purely chemical rather than being the result of implants.
But they are all guys anyway, because that is the default gender I guess.
Or because the Emperor wanted nothing but massive oiled up hunks surrounding his crib, which makes too much sense really.
Why do I feel like I should be grateful for being completely blissfully unaware of the Warhammer franchise, 40k or otherwise?
Pretty much - I think it’s a pretty good example of how a lack of gender equality in this specific fictional culture contributes to the general themes they’re going for, essentially - whereas it wouldn’t with the Empire, for example, whose (internal) themes are more about strife regarding religious differences, class differences, and so forth - ditto with Tilea being the place where everyone in the Empire’s ideas of civil rights, freedoms, and democracy originate from
special gold space marines
I have good news for you, the 4th edition WFRP books are filled with women of different builds with fine hats, and men with funny beards and hairstyles, if you manage to acquire them…
40k is the bad one. Age of Sigmar is a lot nicer.
Plus, 40k (and old Fantasy) is the one with all the n-azis, so there’s that. That kind of people have a strong tendency to hate Age of Sigmar, which works out just fine to me.
The biggest issue with 40k is that the main human faction is incredibly evil yet the fanbase keeps trying to find ways to justify it, which invites the worst sorts of people.
yeah my experience with warhammer is just the RTS game so i thought the eldar were just funny looking alien elves and orcs just go zany waagh
and i didn’t even get the RTS expac packs because why would i wanna play boring humans
i’m still not sure if i’m even talking about the same franchise
What do I try levelling up next gang, monk or ninja? I’m tempted by bard because I like being an archer, but I’m wary of having to play a support role which isn’t my jam
Warhammer is a series of excellent stories and characters written by a bunch of dudes 30 years ago, and sometimes that shows.
Thankfully, as Adelais has shown the excellent stories are continuing without having the ‘written by dudes decades ago’ stink attached.
You are exactly correct yes.
there’s also lots of cool hats
My only experience with Warhammer is from Total War, so all I know for sure is that Dwarves and Tomb Kings are based.
The Orks are unironically one of my favorite races in 40k. Sure they get memed to absolute oblivion by everyone and sometimes rightfully so. Even in universe people sometimes treat them as a joke… Until they are coming at you. It’s all fun and games making fun of the Orks about how stupid and funny they are. But when you got millions of 200kg green gorillas armed to the teeth with blades, guns, mechs etc running at you like madmen, they suddenly aren’t as funny anymore.
Their whole backstory is also cool as hell. But I won’t get into that because someone is bound to pop a vein with all this Warhammer talk.
yeah in-universe they’re actually pretty scary
also its okay this thread gets like 500 posts about final fantasy every day a bit of Warhammer talk is fine
here’s another hat
i think orcs were my second race i played in the RTS after eldar
humans are boring so space/chaos marines can stay quiet
My feelings on orks are complicated. They were the first models I got back in the day and I appreciate their role in the settings yet I find myself having grown a little bit bored of them.
Better than the basic human factions though. Imperial Guard/Empire get outta here, there are fantastical beings to play.
This is now the hat thread.
tarnish notte the majesty of my tower of hats