I dunno, they’re kind of vampires that stay in one piece snacking on tortured slave souls.
crawls out of the sewer
currently 20% off on Epic Game Store…
crawls back into the sewer
I don’t know how anyone can wear contacts. Maybe I have too long lashes or idk, but whenever I get something in my eye it’s a bit hassle to get anything out of it already.
I’m just imagining the contacts to just stab and idk, get lost in the forest of lashes or something.
Same. I just can’t deal with the thought of them. Been wearing glasses since my early 20’s and tbh I’m happy wearing them, they make me look sophisticated.
Which I am absolutely not.
Glasses suit me and I’m afraid of things getting in/near my eyes so it works out for me
They idea of putting in contacts actually freaks me out. Hate the idea of anything being that close to my eyeball. I’d sooner get a laser shot into it (for medical purposes) than wear contacts.
Pinching my eyeball once kinda put me off using lenses for the rest of time. Glasses work just fine.
I don’t want lasers shot into my eyes either, I’m not in star wars
I have a mild case of astigmatism myself (95 on vertical on both eyes, 97 on horizontal on both eyes). I hope it doesn’t get worse, because I like not having glasses.
Just lift ur eyelid up, slide one onto ur eye and tolerate a milisecond of stinging because of the dregs of sterile solution it was in and… [chef kiss].
I used to wear lenses when I was younger, they’re not that bad, once they’re in you don’t notice them.
My sister-in-law swears by the lasering she got!
that sentence made my physically cringe
I’ll keep my glasses ty
yeah i folded in on myself reading that comment
hate contacts lads, i’m sorry
They really treat players like children.
reminds me of when the emojis changed from an actual gun to
glasses are a great aesthetic choice and i will never abandon them
contacts are stinky and not fashionable
we did it
toxicity is solved
First they take away the PvP Vendors, then Master Loot system and now my ability to /Spit on someone.
They’ve gone too far!
But seriously, this is just… Childish from them. Literally no one has suffered from having someone /Spit on them and there are options to mute or ignore that.
Besides, I’ve been wearing glasses since 14 and got used to how I look in them. Even if I got eye surgery (and I see no reason to), I think I’d keep wearing glasses for cosmetic reasons because I feel like my face doesn’t look right without them.