Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

yeah theres two actors i can look at immediately in that regard.
Troy Baker and Patty Mattison.

Troy in indiana jones genuinely sold me. he gets type-cast as “Matt Mercer Lite” but he does some damn good performances when he’s given the chance to flex. his gul’dan was iconic.

Patty popped off hard after she started doing more roles than mostly Sylvanas even if some cases (like her major role in GW2’s Secrets of the Obscure expac.) studio’s keep wanting Sylvanas. In the following expansion she did a lot of minor but memorable performances with range. Including a canadian anthropomorphic brown bear. She’s done Nords and Orcs in ESO. Heck just give her a listen as Herta in HSR.

some actors just need the leeway and room to have range

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Then he needs to refuse.
He ruined Chairman Prescott by just making him another Illidan.

Well this is odd. I reported someone ( a harbor type with rather open links) yet somehow in the same breath -I- apparently got reported for ‘disruptive gameplay’ and took a 3-day ban.


Thankfully it’s only till the 23d but still.

Appeal that crap.


Like hearing Laura Bailey makes me want to put the game down, hearing Liam O’Brian doing Illidan also makes me want to put the game down.


How I do that?

Problem is Illidan puts food on the table

He ruined my chairman damn it!

Ask someone who appeals bans.
Summon. The banned!

Here is who needs more voice work;

That is Lala, the VA for Stray.


Yeeeah she also voices Black Widow in it and all I hear is Jaina

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Did not even get to hear that thankfully.

Like-- wanna support my friend who was streaming it, but no thank you.

Get a different chairman then! (use a different dub)

A different dub?
Nah, I’d rather complain about crappy casting and changes. The original VA was much better.

Now. Someone go and save Des.
I’ve just done some nose irrigation and my right nostril was just filled with blood apparently

Painter’s block, don’t knock which models to start on.
I really want to finish my world eaters but that means painting 10 more berzerkers and I… no.

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said angron seeing the last of his loyalist sons

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How about something big and chunky and not terribly complex? That’s right, I’m talking about [REDACTED JOKE] a tank of some variety.

you should always paint a chaos rhino

you can never go wrong with painting a chaos rhino

could always be worse. could be painting a thousand Boyz for a single unit

they don’t make 'em like this anymore


Well, before I am trying an appeal, I decided to just respond to the Game Master that told me the harbor erp’er was reported, and showed em I ate a ban in nearly the same time period, along with my suspiscion it was the erper’s revenge. So hopefully they can look into it and I can hopefuly circumvent an automatic ‘No’.

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