Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

chaos rhino?

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Thereā€™s only 2 big chonkers left, one of which is a spartan for my ultramarines which is my parade army, so its not a chill laid back chill sesh.

The other is a Lord of Skullsā€¦

khorne wanted a centaur and this is the result

He does a good gollum.

Metaphorā€™s first manga chapter is out and I provide this collection of Wills

More expressions out of my androgynous little goober in this one chapter than in the entire 80 hour game.

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Cover them in red splatter. Done.

Hah, the ban has been repealed after a kind GM looked over my case, and apologised as it was not intended to happen!



W h a t b a n?!

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I reported a harbor-goĆ«r last night, and was temporarily suspended for 3 days for ā€œdisruptive behaviorā€ because no doubt the erpā€™ers friends mass reported me. But a GM was kind enough to repeal the ban after looking it over.

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GQuuuuuuX got a new promo vid and it shows, among other thingsā€¦Char Aznable.

Along with what looks like a Zeon White Base, and a red Gundam.

So I guess weā€™re full UC-adjacent AU, like Thunderbolt?

How would they know you reported them?

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No idea, maybe they just took the nearest dude in sight ( since I could see the player from where I stood, so they could see me too). So next time I may just use a stealth char.

But I canā€™t imagine it being anything else since it happened same time I took out the ERPā€™er. Second one in three weeks btw, so reporting works!


its likely that they caught you in their sights and they drew the conclusion. happened to me before when reporting a pack guild on fenris isle, they caught me while i was looking for empty places for an event and took the time to report


Guess Iā€™m going to the harbor tonight and /dance there just to piss them off ( and perhaps report some more).


Throw a dance and report party

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I wonder why the harbor though? WHy not just stay in goldshireā€¦


The smell of the sea hides much.


I did say this.

Saw the one non-filth Rp profile and put 2 and 2 together.

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Iā€™d rather have not askedā€¦

Iā€™ve replayed the ME3 ending with the AHEM mod, and wow ā€” they actually made the Stargazer scene work in context as long as you also have CEM installed. In this context, then, the ā€œone more storyā€ the child asks for is the Citadel DLC. The Reapers are defeated ā†’ child asks for one more story ā†’ Citadel (which in this case occurs chronologically after).

They even added two new codex entries to explain how the Crucible works to make it less ā€œspace magicā€.

AHEM + CEM for Legendary Edition is to me, now, the definite ending of the Mass Effect trilogy.