now grind that other currency before you can buy a thing
selling them for a cool 12k gold, back when that was a somewhat impressive amount of money
Guarantee there’s already been situations where two people ‘RPing’ at each other have just been throwing each other’s responses into ChatGPT and then pasting the response.
They were still a good investment alongside the old honor medallions from the expac considering how much gold that expac gave you. Ah the old mission table…
News of just now is that a HZD MMO has been cancelled. Guessing that’s one of the two.
Why does the idea of chat GPT role playing a story with itself sound kind of cute actually
It’s the same concept as dropping two bots to fight each other in Smash Bros - kinda interesting, but ultimately little more than a distraction.
And kinda gross when it’s built on the Theft Machine von Waterburner.
Honestly surprised anyone’s trying to make MMOs these days.
That’s fair, I’d pack-bond with a rock if it looked like it had kind eyes
Are Riot still trying to make theirs.
Yeah, but some progress on it got reset
Any day now an MMO is going to come along that will kill WoW.
That’s what I keep hearing and have been hearing for 20 years
they keep not giving characters text boxes when they talk, the critical feature that determines quality
Have finally got into the swing of Plunderstorm.
I.e. land roughly where no-one else is going, get my Objective done, then scuttle around the edges of the storm, being ready to self-yeet at any moment, beating up mobs and slowly hoarding gold until the circle gets that much smaller. Once you’re down to ‘10 left’ and someone starts trying to get me?
Yeet into the storm, so long suckers.
Can habitually break 1k now, and my stress levels are back down to minimal. PVPers can Stay Mad, I’m not giving them the satisfaction.
I feel like every MMO effort these days is more of a Destiny type MMO rather than a MMORPG MMO that we had everywhere 17 years ago.
Pretty sure they completely reset their progress last year or something along those lines? When Ghostcrawler went and made his own company.
I always turn those off.
Me when playing gw2 in its beta with no text boxes: “this game will be dead on arrival.”
Me when they added them on launch: “this game will live for 20 years.”
Chat gpt yapping ahhh brainrot angle
Sounds like it’s going really well then.
Feeling lazy today so im watching the kung-fu panda trilogy (shame they never made a 4th really…) with my partner, they never watched them.
Can someone remind me again why comparing pandaren to this kino was an insult again
Because Haters™ have never been smart?
because it is a movie for children which therefore means that wow is being made for children
then unironically mists had some of the darkest writing we’ve seen in wow