Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

childrens expansion
begins with forced child labour at gun point
still for kids

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I believe the last update was March 2024 when it was being “reset” and “going dark for several years”.

which idk sounds like it was cancelled to me they just don’t wanna admit it

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sounds like another Titan to me


MOP, across the board, had some of the best writing in WoW, if not The best.

Haters gonna hate, I guess.


someone should make a star wars mmo


I want a pet but I have several allergies.

I miss having rats…

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bladerunner 2049 gotta be one of my favourite movies of all time. that cinematography is just :ok_hand:

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Just you wait, swtor will rise from the ashes and kill wow.

So will eso, sto, the award winning mmo with free trial Excalibur online and, of course, rift.


Perhaps if they each banded together, they would be strong enough.

Honestly silliness aside, the adage that only wow can kill wow is true. And every mmo or dev that claims otherwise is delusional.

Everybody always quits wow then comes back in short order.

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my hot take is enjoy em for what they are, pitting them is pointless, never say your quitting wow for one because that never lasts

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Owlcat have announced that Rogue Trader has surpassed 1 million copies sold (faster than WotR too, by a few months). With the general positive vibe around DLC1, hopeful that they’ll add more after Lex Imperialis.


I should play that next time I’m in a big-cRPG mood.

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freeboota freeboota
freeboota freeboota

gimme orks gimme orks gimme orks

bonus points if it’s kaptin bluddflagg specifically but that’s probably a copyright nightmare


I’d like someone to do a big WHFRP cRPG but I’m not sure I’d like it to be owlcat given their history of very faithfully adapting modules and WHFRP’s history of fairly iffy modules.


In fairness while WotR is mostly adapted faithfully they did make a number of notable changes. Areelu’s character in the TT version is drastically different to her CRPG version for instance. Wenduag massively expanded on, Staunton changed, Galfrey makes you KC, Iomedae doesn’t suck complete :poop: in act 5…

Grand scheme it hits a lot of the same beats but they do ‘fix’ a fair few…issues that the original had. Plus completely redoing PF’s Mythic system basically from scratch.

The basic issue is that WHFRP is a system that’s low key designed for non-combat heavy investigation based games where you might stab a couple of cultists and get your gun and shoot a hellviking or a gribbly tooth monster at the end - but a lot of the modules are written as if they’re a more standard DnD style RPG where you fight a lot of monsters.

Tbh my ideal developer for it is a complete fantasy that will never happen because it’s literally impossible - Troika circa 2001.

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With all the love to WFRP I don’t think it survives being translated into a video game - it’ll probably end up like Rogue Trader where your group of rat catchers fights a Keeper of Secrets and one-shots her

(not to mention the whole ‘failing a skill check also leads to interesting story’ part of WFRP is immediately killed by quicksaves)

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I bought the PS5 for Demon Souls remaster, but literally only play bloodborne on it (I’ll get around to Demon Souls later)

Most games being cross platform means I’d just rather buy them on steam thanks.

Yoshi-P hates people pitting wow against FF14, he made the team play WoW to see a successful MMO. He is very fond of Blizzard (he likes Diablo more but still)

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Get rats.
Name them after skaven.