Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

yeah and it shows in some of 14’s designs. you can clearly see the daily inspiration was very much the cata/mop era design when the 14 devs played.

its just…tiring? i used to get berated by diehard wow players for playing and enjoying gw2 and eso. cant i still enjoy wow too? they all do something different that gives them merit. its as tiring as the diehard faction loyalists who sound like 10 year olds

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Yeah its tiring.

The devs who talk about “our game will kill x competitor” just set their game up to fail too. (Not just MMOs as example below will show)

Hello Fable, no you didn’t kill Elder Scrolls. M’aiq gonna mock you for eternity.

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Fable will forever be iconic.

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Both are great but neither killed the other. (They both do that fine enough as is.)

Funny that I saw an article today that highlighted 2 and 3 had british voice actors I didnt even know was in them. I didnt know Ben Kingsley was in it. And Michael Fassbender was your brother in 3. (I resent the British claiming him again.) If theres ever a series ive an itch to replay…

I dunno, after Fable 3 I was done with Fable. I’ll play 1 again occasionally but that’s it

Whereas I am interested in picking ESO up again and want to see what they will do with a new ES and the only reason I don’t want to play Skyrim is because I’d have to mod it again.

they did drop a new expansion last summer that added a “skill scribing” system thats the canon precursor to oblivions spellcrafting

leave anything unattended (or too unguarded) for too long and we will take it over


Fable 2 will forever have a special place in my heart. I am immensely sad that I do not habe an Xbox to play the upcoming one which looks great.

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I’ll become very ill very quickly.

I guess I could appropriately name him Skrolk.

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yeah same. :pensive: i can still play 2 at least

I think that’s a shame, it would have added so much if the lawful good goddess of justice played twenty questions with the party and blasted them with a chorus of divine trumpets for massive sonic damage whenever they answered falsely or incorrectly.

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I do at least take some solace in that the authors of the material came out and said “yeah, we really messed up, our bad”.

a hulk threw a wolverine at me and i just saw him fly off to his death by slowly descending and turning to the side.

comedic timing is what keeps me playing vidya i fear

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I’ve acquired Father
and Lan Yan

also C6 Chevi :goat:


Words few in the Hoyo fanbase can understand-…


Us Outsiders: “…Wuh?”

Having her at least frees me from the Artifact farming mines for a while since I didn’t pre-farm boss mats for her or Lan Yan (outside of weekly bosses)

But once that’s done I’ll go farm her set. Somehow I’ve still not managed to get a decent glad set so we gonna get Whimsy and put the leftovers into the gambling box for Lan Yan’s VV set.

It’s Father
She’s fun
I like my gacha women problematic and fully clothed.

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Lucky you ive been putting off my prep for Clorinde ;-;

Father :handshake: Kafka :handshake: Evelyn Chevalier (Idk if the last ones problematic yet but shes fully clothed and this is somehow hotter than 90% of ZZZ’s propaganda.)

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Time to pick up some starfish : )
Lots and lots of starfish…

more clothes more good
pants extra good

“I see…only Patrick…before…me…”

If that pants happens to be very shiny thats just a happy accident-…

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