Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

normal humans can be kul tirans too

Pff, they can also just go away :relieved:

real “Im throwing away my humanity JOJO.” energy here

We got half-elf ears but not risen noseless skeletal faces.

Idea: human shaman but the totems are just mini WC3 guard towers.


Damn, Levey, you look different :open_mouth:

Snuck a Plunderstorm round in after work and before server down.

Definitely hit the sweet-spot with the gameplay loop that works for me. Get objective, then focus on loot piles, lurking around the edge.

Made #8 with just that, and as soon as someone made a college go at ending me, Yeet into the lightning.
Even found some more gold before I croaked :V


Enough weapons?

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I take what scant fancy red outfits I can get.

I think they’d be uncommon but I’ve always liked the idea of a goblin who genuinely believed in the light or shamanism stuff.

None of this well ‘well goblins are all about money so they could’ve fell into it this way’ etc nonsense.
Just they walked into the cathedral, thought oh wow and became devout as anything, similar deal for a shaman.

People are too quick to forget that a culture isn’t a be all and end all of a person.

I’m British, I’ve yet to plunder any foreign nations, go to a football match or sing ‘my old man’s a bin man’. A goblin could easily just… not be inclined towards their culture


Oh I do remember the appropriation and derision of orgrimmar elves in full barbarian fashion and regalia.

A goblin miner who made friends with earth elementals while digging for riches

Think there’s a decent bit of difference of someone pretty much copy pasting a “sexy orc” concept onto their elf and someone playing an elf who’s just fed up with elven culture

But finding nuance in AD discussions of old is difficult :pensive:

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I think the sheer number of sin’dorcs you’d encounter in org circa cata has contributed to the disdain for them, moreso than the concept itself.


It’s just a phase.

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Yeah… I remember some very interesting people doing that stick
Also still not used to your Draenei look

Goth Sin’dorc goes hard as a look tho

need more vulporcs :fox_face:

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I downloaded some mods to make my current honour mode run a bit more interesting in BG3.

One of them is a mod that very simply adds more mobs to encounters. So instead of fighting 3 gobbos, you are now fighting 6, etc etc.

However, the mod makers also have a bit of humour! For those of you who know the scene with the Ogre and the Bugbear in the barn in act 1, they added a 3rd npc to that fight too!

…and his name? A bugbear, named “The Third Wheel”.

My sides went into the orbit when I saw that.

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What race was the third npc

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Thank you Hood, very helpful.


shogun tv show has some interesting variations compared to the book. not sure how they play out in the long run but excited to see

i just watched episode four last night and it’s weirdly missing one of the most impactful moments from the novel that feels like the turning point for blackthorne, they could add it in later in another episode but it would feel weird

either way though i’m really enjoying it, and my wife is getting into it as well. obviously it’s rushed compared to the book but that’s normal

fujiko was best girl in the book and appears to also be in the show. this i am pleased to see