We had a complaint in today objecting to my corpo’s use of twitter as a support/social media platform in the wake of Musk’s third reich salutes, and I can’t really argue with them, if only because I think we should just go back to localised forums for support instead of outsourcing it to social media platforms.
I think it’s more when something goes so far against a fantasy setting’s established culture that it begins fraying at your suspension of disbelief. Nothing wrong with a goblin exploring their faith or a night elf straying into shamanism but when it’s stuff like “Bim Blastsocket suddenly heard the voice of the holy light and became an orthodox worshipper” it feels a bit unearnt in the same way that a human sailor would suddenly feel compelled to go live amongst kobolds.
almost the plot of shogun
i will now write this story
The number of bad faith actors on SM sites, claiming “Oh, you’re just mad, and LOOK the Dems do the same thing!!” while using still of people raising there hand is…
Yeah, no, that’s not the same. Someone even did a comparison where it was clear Harris was raising/waving her hands. Not, y’know, the literal Reich salute, three freaking times.
But I know it’s there to be a smokescreen/gaslighting.
People need to get real comfortable, real quickly, with putting Actual, Real Life Fash back in the ground…
there was a tried and true method of dealing with them before.
I would absolutely play a Gnome Paladin if they were available.
I would have mained a Gnome Paladin from like TBC onwards if it were an option.
I never vibed with Gnome Paladin as a concept until I saw Beans.
I on the other hand vibed with it until I saw them.
Gnomes look awesome in like, 50% of Paladin sets. Previewing a Gnome in paladin T4 is what set me off on this.
I sometimes forget my Gnomish origins, having mained one and then another one for the last part of Classic all the way until mid Wrath.
I haven’t really revisited the race properly since. I think I was burned too hard by Cata teasing Gnomeregan coming back only to never deliver on it.
Gnomeregan not being reclaimed and made a proper city zone was so, so damn stupid
Can’t wait for blizzard to write Gnomeregan’s reclamation, but suddenly, Gnomeregan has been taken over by Scarlet Crusade.
You, the player, gnomish kingdom, leper gnomes and troggs must team up to reclaim the home of Gnomes!
Even better if it’s a Gnomish branch of the Scarlet Crusade, never before mentioned or hinted at, and is the way they introduce Paladins to Gnomes.
-Somehow summons the Ashbringer- I guess we’re gonna have to kill this guy, chat…
My new favourite hobby is to watch city design and urban architecture videos on youtube during my lunch break
This intersection could be turned into a roundabout
Car centric infrastructure of America is bad for city design and the amount of mega parking lots they have only perpetuates it. Demolish them and build better infrastructure within humane walking distances and pathing for it.
the dark jeb lore is that i too was a gnome main. my og pve main in wrath was a gnome Dk named Shazoom.
it carried over to rp eventually during WoD with my gnome Kinzy, may she rest in pieces.
rip kinzy. never forget
its okay i frankenstein monster’d her she got better