Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

no one knows greed quite like the night elves

please blizzard, i know we just had a patch about us, but could we please have another one?

(i am a night elf player)


terrible RP news: I have two bows, and one looks realistic and fitting for a stealth-trained hunter and the other looks incredible


i don’t see the issue

use both in different situations


cant you tape them both together?
twice the bow double the broken shoulder


so that’s how they make crossbows


And certain Elden Ring bows, which are just ‘Bow, but x2’

Edit: speaking of Elden Ring, been trying some more thematic invader stuff, namely copying a ‘proper ninja’ type that someone on Youtube has done.
It’s different, and quite interesting, but my god I get so, so tired of spawning into the Open World segments, especially Limgrave and the DLC, where its obviously gank squads.

I’m constantly in awe of the Good pvpers on youtube, not the ones I run into who just spam whatever is meta/OP/actually broken at the moment, but ones who make themed builds or clever builds and win 3vs1 fights.
That’s not me at all, sadly :sweat_smile:

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If it works it works

You stay away from our Castlevania reference :gun:


Is it the Astral Light Bow?

Not for this toon - it’s this bad boy

Honestly even the Cata Worgen Starting Zone and Experience is a fumble (still a great time) compared to the Alpha and original version which also included the (dropped story threads) about the Wolf Cult that Curse of the Worgen created. Original idea involved a whole forsaken-worgen siege of Gilneas and also dealing with Alpha Prime and getting rid of the Wolf Cult whom were allied to the Forsaken at the time.

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Blizzard seem genuinely shocked that the werewolf faction they created full of werewolves with werewolf packs are really popular with people who like werewolves

“isn’t it tragic that these HUMANS were CURSED” no shut up we love being werewolves it’s cool as hell


why are you showing your argussy(an) bow on main

when you prep an arrow the arms of the bow go fwssssh with purple fire

I love that as characters we can take worgen down either route. It’s equally valid to be traumatized by the event as much as it is to be empowered by it.

But as a player I’m always gonna love large hairy men who can kill me in innumerable ways without even factoring in weapons.


I’d meme on it less if, say, the heritage quest wasn’t about how being a worgen sucks and actually tess you’re blessed to rule people who have life experiences you cannot understand rather than being a filthy dirty wolf

what is a balance


Expecting nuance?
From Blizzard main-line writers?

i once again lament that somehow bethesda handles supernaturals in their mmo better than wow does.

also we all know the worgens curse isnt being a werewolf. its being british.

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I can’t remember when the Heritage quest took place but my best guess as to why it was written like that is because the female model would’ve looked like this:

There’s quite literally no other reason to be like “nooooo the curse is bad actually” after having the curse define them for probably close to a decade by that point.

it was battle for azeroth, when Tess was like ‘I should get bitten so I can better understand my people’ and was led on a vision quest of how much being a werewolf sucks actually

skill issue being an 8ft tall muscular wolf girl would make my life better actually

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