Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

If you haven’t cried on your birthday you haven’t lived. They’re getting the experience early if they haven’t already, which is unlikely because my daughter who is in Year 1 has already cried on pretty much every birthday she’s had.

Why are they even at school on their birthday…


Hells man, I had a GCSE exam on mine.

Society/Capitalism cares not for your whimsy (or wellbeing)

not all our mams let us pull a sickie on them!!

also @akamito @elenthas metaphors getting an anime adaptation hope for your sakes its a different studio than the one that did P5’s…

a-1 pictures who did the P4 golden anime nvm its gonna be peak

sorry but it will never be as good as the game

adaptations never are.

Tbh that’s a race combination I would get behind. They have priests, they live in close proximity to paladins, and the paladins would be the guys and gals that’d say heart matters more than stature imho.

Beans is amazing.

As a Gilneas rp’er… I hate you.

All hail our lord and savior Mahatma “Nuclear” Gandhi.

Edit: In other news, I finally have managed to watch “The Remarkable Life of Ibelin” - documentary and I am not ashamed to admit my eyes already teared up not even 20 minutes in. I sadly could not understand the Norwegian segments, but overal, I am still glad I watched it.

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fujiko is best girl in shogun in both books and show and it’s not even close

sorry mariko

She has the most powerful of judgemental side eyes.

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I think the way they handled reclamation of Gilneas might be the worst bit of storytelling they’ve ever done. With Emerald Dream and the Forsaken allies being a close second.

All of it came off so unearned, so rushed.

And somehow they dropped a worse looking Gilnean Heritage to pair with what was already the worst Heritage set they’ve released.

Gilneans got done DIRTY.


They’re a filthy people. They got what they deserve.

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They cooked so hard with their introduction in Cata and have failed them ever since.


Horde can’t post like this.


Sorry but Tauren all have an official Alliance Best Friend badge given by Anduin Wrynn which allows us to comment on such matters.


I agree, they really did get done dirty. Especially when the Forsaken ended up lobbing the plague into the city -again- to deal with the Scarlets.

I would’ve instead had the enemy be a faction of break-away Forsaken that did not agree with the new direction, and who refused to give up land that they so painstakingly fought for during the Cataclysm. Maybe under the leadership of Belmont.

That’s an awful lot of excrements you’re talking for someone in crusading-distance. :hammer: :pray:

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at least you got yours. im watching my pandaren friends go through the stages of grief over likely never getting one


Tauren Sunwalkers calling a counter crusade because they are basically human paladins anyway.

Yes this is a thread crossover post.

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Pandaren have plenty to wear. esp with MoP remix turning a lot of nice looking stuff cosmetic


They do but they suffer from the kind of greed they talk about in the bible