Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

Finding it funny that we watched robert pattinson batman because I wanted to and my partner just wanted something to watch, and she ended up liking it and I thought it was deeply mid



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I liked the idea of it in theory, but god the film is so long and slow and somehow still does not flesh it out

nah i get it. i like r. pats and think he wasnt a bad bats but its just facts that there was no tact with the pacing which it lacks. still better than zacks.

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Husband is asleep. I found myself ceiling staring and have this retreated to the computer room.

On top of yesterday’s BS, I now have other community drama to attend to.


[loud buzzer sound] wrong


It’s not even a curse at this point, just a condition that makes humans furrier.

I liked it because it took it’s time instead of driving past random references to other media at mach speed. Some pacing issues yes.
But overall by far my fav modern live action Batman movie

Also car goes VRROOM

Kinda worried about the next one though
If they absolutely have to pivot to the Joker already I’d prefer them taking more pointers from BTAS and the Killing Joke with visual pointers from the Arkham Asylum comic (not the ones for the game, the funky one, just please don’t try to adapt whatever that story was…)

Alternatively: We can just have more Halloween flavour in Batman movies and we throw the other parts of the Long Halloween into it too.

I want more Bat Family in Batman movies.

DC just learned that they could print money with Batfam stuff thanks to Family Adventures
Look at how long it took them
Then think about how long it will take Hollywood
And how often they’re going to mess it up before one lands right

We’re just about to get a more positive Superman movie now (hopefully)

These people do not understand how to make these things work.

That’s not difficult… also Father is 80, doesn’t have a decent set yet but already hits like a truck :pensive:


I enjoyed the parts of Arkham Knight where you weren’t Batman more than the parts where you were him.
And I liked Gotham Knights, even if it would have benefited from actual combos.

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You’re just a Batfam connoisseur :wine_glass:


I am. I also like co-op games.
With a bit more polish, Knights could have been immense.
The ability to split up and do things around town was good, but needed a few more story beats and gadget goodies. And as I said, combos.

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Didn’t play Knights but from what I’ve seen that sounds about right
Maybe someone will take inspiration from it for another Batman game but this time with family involved

Personally I’m a filthy Bruce enjoyer, but I don’t like it when they turn him into Batgod. I want him being a gothnerd who’s good at his job but not like… a literal god. Also every time a writer doesn’t understand that he’s just emotionally constipated and not deliberately abusive (and wouldn’t punch his kids over nothing like wtf this isn’t the 50s/60s) should get treated like they treat the batfamily.


If you can get it cheap, it’s worth a go.

And with how Arkham Knight was marketed, I was expecting more character switch segments. Should have binned off the car segments for more Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman.

I really hope they think about co-op possibilities in the next one now that Arkham Batman turned out to not be dead lmao
They could let the dice decide on which batfam member you could play and it would up sales

Grab the usuals with playable Batman
grab the batfam gamers with being able to switch to at least one (ex)Robin

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One of those days at work today where I’m mostly sending emails and it’s frankly pretty chill, I should have started doing this job sooner, I was born to be an email sending corpo

yet somehow Fight Club and Office Space would have you believe that having a stable well paying office job where you do this is somehow bad actually

what was their problem?


Some people just cannot deal with a little bit of boredom.


skill issue I think