Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

I want Pillars of Eternity vibes

I dread Outer World vibes.

Game previews were positive though, which I hope is a good sign.



reactions like this are making me see just how much the likes of twitter has fried peoples brains with media literacy. (not meaning you Levey, meaning the people who actually brought the allegations up first. its making me question did people read too deep on something or did someone at the time insert the writers barely concealled fetish.)

The only things I remember from that Warbringer short were the memes of Sylvanas being easy enough to annoy that she would burn down an entire city and that she was a pretty terrible ranger because she did a powerslide straight into Arthas’ melee range.


This will never not be funny.

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Sylvanas, the IDIOT ranger

got into melee range before hunters could use bows inside a 5 yard distance was she stupid?


The Jailer made her do it.

Your mortal minds just couldn’t fathom that :roll_eyes:


hate that this is at all plausible

Backed the Trench Crusade kickstarter and the freebie that was added on is on MyMiniFactory site, so I made an account (for the first time) and went to have a look, as apparently the other 3D files can be bought there too.

My account has apparently been Disabled as soon as I created it. I’ve emaile support, a few days ago. I’ve yet to hear anything back.
Very annoying and a terrible first impression -_-

In any given fantasy setting it is the grim duty of the elves to die tragically one way or another so that the Age of Man can arrive.


I want forsaken and trolls to have beards.


Once more I stifle a wretched giggle and restrain myself from a thoroughly indecent jest.

But yes, most likely both.


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And I hate that. Hate hate hate.

If I were to write fantasy, it would be about the age of magic coming back. Screw moping about imaginary worlds fading to mundanity.


Bless guild wars for the age of man dying for the age of magic to thrive :pray:


Rent just went up another 100 per month. I sure do love this cost of living crisis!

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Me, opening my mortgage statement: "Boy howdy, I sure do LOVE paying over 5k in a year to clear LESS than 2k of mortgage :upside_down_face: "

Oh, and they charge you if you repay ‘early’.
But its ok, it’s all the fault of those Filthy Millenials killing the housing market, right guys?!

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In the one ‘classic’ fantasy story setting I have, the Elves are kinda just chilling, doing their own thing, being zen and having a mutual ‘do not unduly bother them’ clause with most folks that keeps everyone happy.

(The Dwarves are quite content with underground cities, thriving trade hubs, and also THE best perfumes in the entire world. What? You cram a bunch of folks down a tunnel working all day and tell me no one would invent nicer scents? Lmao)


They actually did lean into this a bit in her lore prior to and after Warbringers. Ranger-General in Quel’Thalas at that moment was a position that could be inherited, and her family’s matriarch was one, and Alleria was the one that was going to inherit that position before she left to join the ranks of the Alliance proper alongside Turalyon, and thus having that responsibility dropped on her lap.

If it seems like Sylvanas was a pretty incompetent ranger for being a Ranger-General, it’s because skill had absolutely nothing to do with her rank up - and she did fail defending Quel’Thalas from Arthas after taunting him endlessly, so, it’s not like it’s a particularly bad representation of her character.

I recommend reading and/or watching Dungeon Meshi.

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Started, need to continue. Is Good.