It’s a perfectly cromulent word.
not if Stormwind has anything to say about it apparently
(they didn’t exist until cata so the joke still works)
Just accept that the Warcraft setting wasn’t taken that seriously until Wrath of the Lich King. Book authors, comic writers and artists, they were all allowed to do whatever they wanted with the setting and in some cases, these developments were used as a foundation for important future lore and characters.
Kalecgos as a character didn’t exist before that manga and now he’s the Aspect of the Blue Dragonflight, the D&D-clone RPG is responsible for a great deal of Warcraft’s cosmology and the War of the Ancients is the source of so much fundamental night elven lore that it’s mind-boggling. Legion would have been a completely different expansion without it.
One day I’ll cover those, even if I don’t get to WoW. They were so foundational to the setting that it would be a disservice not to.
They’re actually right next on the list.
And the rest is a great deal of diet coke Warhammer Fantasy, as well. Not-Heinrich Kemmler turning into Not-Nagash and his Not-Black-Pyramid, not-Orcish-Karl-Franz and his Not-Ghal-Maraz, the Great-War-Against-Not-Chaos led by Not-Sigmar while the High Elves taught Humans magic and they made afterwards Not-Altdorf’s-Magic-District, with much friction from the Church…
Oh, and not-Sylvania led by someone named Sylvanas, alongside a vampire-themed demon, while an ever-present green moon floats over the sky.
It’s all lovingly filled in with some really old american comic stuff that at this point sometimes is so obscure we probably will never know about anything outside of Go-El being totally not from Krypton.
Small throwback to youth slang: I like learning all the new words. I don’t use them. Unless there’s a kid that I feel deserves to take massive cringe damage.
The Kid reached level 10 and unlocked skyriding, and chose the Waking Shores drake as her mount. She struggles with the controls, though.
There was also an awkward moment, since she leveled in Eversong, where I had to explain that she couldn’t fly specifically in that land because reasons.
Better to rip that bandaid off early I guess.
The only reason I still understand -some- of what the kids are up to is because I’m in this forumthread and in wow itself…
If they were to do it, can we get a game that doesn’t stutter nearly -all- damn time because it is so horribly optimized?
I also still find it funny how the orc campaign forcibly removed -every- mention of the name Grom , and changed it into Hellscream, and you can just -hear- where the newly recorded name was plastered inbetween the old one.
Tbh, he -was- getting away with it. If only instead of keep Tirion there in the iceblock, he yeeted him off the top of the Citadel…
that’s because dere’z only one Grom and he’z Grom da Paunch
Yeah I only found that part out recently. Understandable, but still shame
Complaining here 'cos I know it’ll fix it.
I preordered a GQuuuuuuX model basically the moment it was announced. It got released on HLJ a week ago, but it’s now showing ‘backordered’ and I didn’t get one. They shoulda put an order stop on it before I got there if they ran out of preorders. If it doesn’t show up for me in the next ten days or so it’s gonna mess with my shipping plans.
So as my friend suggested last week, I came to tonight’s bar meeting in costume, and some people not related to our group thought I was a singer and wondered what I’d be singing.
It was embarrassing to hear, because I can’t sing.
How do I even write a support ticket anymore? The support system just directs me to prepared questions, half of which simply state that “blizzard doesn’t help with that, ever”.
How do I get a box to write in for a ticket?!
That’s the neat part. You don’t.
For some time now, the “Help” menu ingame has been tailored to run us around in circles. They really, really do not want to apply their modest human workforce on tickets anymore, and boy does it show.
I’m told there is a way, theoretically, but it’s practically a maze by now. I haven’t worked it out either. Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t caught more community flak for it so far.
Shouldn’t there be an option akin to “I still need help?” that lets you make the ticket to a GM? That’s atleast where I got after using the report function on TRP to snipe the harbor erp’ers.
We thank you for your service to sanity.
And it’s possible! I just recall that when last I tried it (December I believe), I was basically put on a circular track of
Me: I need help with something.
UI: Have you looked at these articles?
Me: Yes, still need help.
UI: Have you looked at wowhead?
Me: Wowhead isn’t even related to the issue. Still need help.
UI: Have you looked at these articles?
Me: They’re no help!
UI: Wowhead though?
At which point I threw up my hands and accepted my fate. As was, I suspect, the point.
All in a day’s work ma’m
Yeah I ended up on the questionaire page too, there should be an option called “I still need help” or something of the sorts, that lets you make the ticket to a game master. They have been a pretty big help to me, despite the (suspected) attempted counter-report by the erp’ers that nearly made me eat a 3-day ban for ‘distruptive behavior’. Cause as soon as I showed that to the GM, they reversed that too!
It’s been hit and miss with me on terms of support.
There’s been cases where I simply couldn’t get past the AI chucking out the same responses over and over, and then there’s tickets where I got a GM response from the first point and had the issue resolved in a matter of minutes.