But if there was one thing I loved, it was Lor’themar sassing Kalec’gos because he appeared as a half elf.
Did you know that The Simpsons actually invented the word Yoink to refer to swiping something at high speed
sounds wild but is genuinely true
probably akin to elf blackface, like don’t try and cosplay a sometimes marginalised minority kalec you are literally a dragon
Started reading the Cyberpunk RED TTRPG books because VA11HALLA put me back in a cyberpunk vibe. Glimpses of the real Johnny and not just his construct memories. V. cool.
Not all of it. Giving Anasterian an actual appearance is good, and the imagery of Arthas just freezing the ocean between QT and IQD so his army could cross is sick.
wish we kept more of that
It’s so you knew he was evil.
My cup-of-tea-that-was-made-30-minutes-ago take is that - Lor’themar - as a character, kinda eclipsed Kael at some point.
But when they retconned it into Reforged, it made no sense, considering in the previous mission, Arthas needed goblin zeppelins to cross a river.
Giant grant games raises the very reasonably point of: if he could just do that - why didn’t he do that a mission or so earlier when he was blocked by a very fordable river?
the actual answer is very sad and it’s that the Reforged team started off actually like remaking things - like adding Quel’Delar’s wielder and Anasterion into the Quel’thalas mission and the dungeon bosses into Stratholme, generally matching things up to how they appear in WoW - then got forcefully told that the scope is changing and actually we’re just doing a graphical touch up no more changes
Like Candlekeep in the Forgotten Realms, the Sunwell has an anti-flight ward around it to prevent aerial assaults or intrusion. Birds can’t even get near it. It’s a taxing thing to put up though, and so no such ward around the general forests of Eversong, and Arthas would rather sit on a zeppelin than use his own magic power which is why he didn’t freeze the rivers.
Obviously the ward around the Sunwell has since been shattered by Arthas, and that’s why we have flight paths there now.
simple as
Nah, his not using the zepplins in the later mission is fine - it’s if he can conjure a massive ice bridge over the ocean - why can he not conjure a fairly small ice bridge over a very bridgeable river?
Try living in someone’s head. It’s very often rent-free!
Arthas was never characterised as being very smart. Maybe he just didn’t think about freezing the water until he got to the shores of Silvermoon and then Ner’zhul was like “hey bro just make ice??”
what do you mean, his plan of ‘slowly lose his entire army and all of his generals and advisors in order to set a mediocre trap for 10-25 randos’ was flawless
God the scourge side of WoTLK was carried by War3 nostalgia
Trag Highmountain’s story in the Sunwell manga was cool tho.
The moment he closes his hand around the necromancers’ and the orb controlling the frost wyrm and the guy screams “NOOO STOP YOU KILL US BOTH” and he just goes “It is what it is.”
The background story abt him befriending that guy pre-undeath didn’t make any sense tho. Where the hell was there ever a tauren tribe in Lordaeron?
Getting super dark super quickly, clearly the storms due pretty soon.
And, of course, I have to drive into work ._.
Back when warcraft 3 was in alpha or whatever real early development stage it was, they did some interview for a magazine on which they revealed the tauren. The o.g lore was that there were tauren native to the EK but the human kingdoms hunted them all out.
Think that at the time they were gunning for a harder reversal of the morality of the factions the prior games established but eh.
Stormwind’s heraldry symbol is a lion, but there are no lions in the Eastern Kingdoms (anymore)…
They killed the Furry Lion Race.
Isn’t there some in Twilight Highlands?
No they just figured out how to portal to FF14 and hoped no one would notice