In another “hey this is probably good news” moment, Owlcat have released a “what sort of more DLC would you like for Rogue Trader” survey.
I’m quietly encouraged by Orks and Tau being high up on their “what xenos are you interested in” list but maybe that’s me reading into it.
Feeding the kroot companion my hand so they can genetically adapt to being as equally badass as the Rogue Trader is (I will just get a cybernetic replacement)
The moral dilemma of convincing the kroot shaper companion to eat the stuff that will make his kindred survive (good) vs convincing him to eat the stuff that turns him into a gorilla (best).
I am once again thinking about what a phenomenal show The Americans was.
Mad Men too for that matter if you don’t idealise Don Draper and see him (and rest of the cast) for the miserable, broken people they are struggling to reconcile their identities with the lie that was the American Dream. They’re unhappy people selling happiness and architects of their own misery.
Not really a spoiler but in Act 5 there’s a side location where, among other xenos artifacts, there are a few inactive Tau drones, which is why I’m still huffing the hopium.
I’m definitely being influenced by a fanartist but I think Gue’vesa are conceptually cool and getting one in a Rogue Trader’s retinue would be neat for writing. There’s a lot of fun interactions to be had with other party members, especially depending on when they became Gue’vesa. Some of them still revere/worship the Emperor, even!
It’d be better if she was Jane Smith but I’ll take what I can get.
While i like Walter’s vibe in Vampire Survivors (overhealing procs every ebony dialogue item he’s holding), you can’t tell me his main weapon (Nitesco) doesn’t look like a giant, neon purple–
Today just seems cursed. First, a friend of mine’s dad passes away, and to top it off, someone i thought I got along with removes me, adds me back, then seemingly at random not only removes me again but also removes their wow-toon that I knew them on.
Finally had the time to sit down and complete the Dalaran post-mortem questline. I did not expect for Aethas’ VA to tug on my heartstrings, but did I ever feel so very sorry for him. That is one broken mage we initially meet.