you ever just feel compelled to base a mog around a single item you got?
got a hood through gw2 gacha via a free key that gives cool hair based on race/gender. put together an outfit around it. showed it to friends and they got confused thinking i was using a one piece outfit rather than a mog. ill take it as a compliment.
related, could use some recommendations for things to watch on 'flix [i can sail the seas but it’s a lot of effort and i’d prefer something consistent], anime as a plus
A whole bunch of unrelated things now reminding me of the lack of protection for animators due to lack of Unions, the predatory nature of parasitic CEOs and shareholders and all the other suited monkeys that steal oxygen and creativity, and the absolute that is “Make enough seasons and then Kill It right before the mandatory pay increase for animation staff”.
Also currently being salty about the absolute state of trying to invade in Elden Ring. Finally got a build that MIGHT be ok, but it’s a mixture of “Oh look, when I’m a summon my host as Negative IQ, but when I Invade the host has Super Homing Lockon Missile senses for where I am and has a gank squad that can spam ashes of war I don’t have the iFrames to dodge” and just terrible spawn locations/bad luck.
At least I managed to kill someone clearly mid item-dupe/item drop off from a levelled partner. And GOD he deserved that, it felt like he was sourcing his internet from the middle of the sahara. Less elasticity to be found in one of those small bouncing rubber balls for heck sakes…
(I miss the more structured feel of DS1 multiplayer… I miss helping people in Undead Burg with a levelled up Zweihander…)
We actually do have in-universe in-world names for months and days. Azeroth uses Jan/Feb/Mar/etc. and Mon/Tues/Weds/etc. just like the real Gregorian calendar.
Yes it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from a naming convention but it is canon.
The Kirin-Tor Monthly books are the primary source for month names being canon (March, May, November), but there’s which mentions October too. mentions Sunday and Wednesday, and good ol’ Topper McNabb mentions Tuesdays in his dialogue.
Though I would note that these sources are all very human - either the Kirin Tor or Stormwind. It’s quite likely/possible that the other cultures (especially Orcs+Draenei since other planet) would have other calendars that differ to the human one.