unfortunately quinn league of legends occupies a space in my heart so i can’t help but slightly approve
(do wish it could be customised at the very least along the lines of choosing which bird of prey model it uses)
unfortunately quinn league of legends occupies a space in my heart so i can’t help but slightly approve
(do wish it could be customised at the very least along the lines of choosing which bird of prey model it uses)
I know somebody who has the spider glyph.
I also want them to add a ranged rogue spec and it just be old, ranged survival. Apply more dots-- I mean poisons.
Alternatively my hunter just really, really likes crabs.
I hope whoever pushed for arachnophobia mode got a medal instead of the layoff they almost certainly got instead
I would use it on Cro but I have so many rare pets from the time she was my main that I’d rather summon them instead.
I use the my own stable glyph on most my hunters.
My hunters stable is also almost exclusively spiders…
Only had to use it once so far. In that one cave in spider town… outside of that wow spiders strangely do not scare me
But I’m happy it exists
As my stable on this character can attest-- customise to any flying creature wouldn’t go amiss.
This will probably be the only hunter who stays MM after the change goes through.
not to keep harping on about but. smug in guild wars. at least the hunter class of that game has been consistently using nature magic since day 1… whats a gun even. cool axe, turning that into a throwing weapon. yeah so im a hunter and a druid how about you.
who’d have guessed having a solid consistent thematic for a class would impact enjoyment of it?
As someone who has/had a Ranged, single pet Hunter…
Yeah. I hate it all, thanks.
Melee? Fine. Bomb throwing Nelf? No.
BM? I only want one pet, you FINALLY let us pick Pet Spec so my poor Owl isn’t useless, and now this. I also don’t want Rexxar’s pets anyway!
MM? Has felt bad for ages. This eagle no one asked for? Worse. AND the ‘Sentinel’ owl hero spec Isn’t even a gods thrice damned Sentinel Owl!!!
I like variety. Also no spider stands up to deth’tilac on Cro who is the ONLY firelands rare i have kept.
I am reminded that I should go farm the stag and bear thorn hearts on Tav. If only so that when I get a KT druid tank i can be like; “guess my pet’s tanking now!”
Tired of arachnophobia getting all the phobia attention.
Where’s my heterophobia mode huh
but long story short, didn’t ask for any of these changes to my mains thanks blizz.
elly if we do that then 90% of the games models will dissapear
every model is now a dracthyr in dragon form.
mmm actually thats based. waiter? more hetreophobia mode please
Is arachnophobia the thing the protagonist from Metaphor has
no, that’s homophobia
Ah that’s the one. Thanks.
though i don’t really understand arachnophobia, why can’t we just let spiders get married
high death rates during the honeymoon of the groom.
how does that work if its spider yuri tho…