Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

My sanity and blood pressure were bad enough as it was, gods damnit…

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I doubt he could identify Greenland or Denmark on a map tbh.

Heck I doubt he can spell map.


In fairness, even Tolkien left in the normal English names of the months. They’re supposed to be translations from Westron for reader convenience. He did work out in-universe month names in Quenya and Sindarin, but they don’t appear in-story.

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renaming the days and months would literally be something I wouldn’t do IF I didn’t decide that the main race used the lunar calendar so there’s actually 13 months in a year approx. instead of 12.

There was reasoning behind it but then world not set on earth so can do what i like with it i suppose.

Honestly I may do something else drastic and have 9 days in a week or something.

I think unique names and calendar systems are interesting from a world building perspective, but more often than not it just adds a layer of “who cares” that no one really ends up engaging with.

Then you get weird combo-versions.

Metaphor uses Gregorian months (July, August, etc.) and has a 365 day year, but its weeks are all 5 days long (4 days work, one days rest), each of the five days has a special name, a month is six weeks like (30 days exactly) EXCEPT for December which also has a special 7th week to make up the last difference.

Forgotten Realms has 12 months (each with their own special name), each split into 3 ten-day weeks, but also there’s five ‘festival’ days scattered between the months, once again bringing the number of days in a year to 365. The days don’t seem to have names from what I know, just numbers.

me everytime i start reading a new fantasy novels and start reading their newly invented names for hours, days and months

do not assume for a moment that i will be learning any of this in addition to your other new vocabulary for items i am familiar with

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The Shalathathathathans measure time in Merlics, which are equivalent to π Earth seconds. There are, of course, 31 Merlics to a Laro. 4 Laros to a Lamerlic, and 15 Lamerlics to a Sarol.

There are nine Sarols in a Pass - what we would call a ‘day’, but a Shalathathathathan Pass is only 60% as long as an Earth day, for reasons that are both incredibly important and do not matter whatsoever. Make sure you keep track of this since it will definitely maybe come up in rising tension thirty chapters after we mention this and then never bring it up again.


honestly off the top of my head the only two settings i can think of with unique month/day names are elder scrolls and guild wars and guild wars its just names of the seasons. Season of the Phoenix for summer etc

i think elder scrolls is fine because the names of the days arent too dissimilar from what we have irl. the months are a different story i guess.

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I find if you want to have your own names for days and months the system needs to be used as sparingly as possible while also making it easy for the reader to connect the names to information.

You can do pretty much whatever you want as long as you don’t hit your readers over the head with excessive date usage (it either turns it into random boring history lesson from back in school or a small maths adventure and both of those kill immersion, leave this stuff for the lore discussion nerds).

Easy trick is to keep the starting sounds of the week days the same. Or at least the obvious symbolism in them.


Or just get Patrick Stewart to narrate it for you because “The 27th of Last Seed. The year of Akatosh, 433.” has been engrained in my memory for the last decade or more.

this is actually where the ES calendar mildly annoys me because you have the common sense days. Morndas, Middas, Fredas and Sundas. Okay easy to guess what they correspond to. Then you got TIrdas and TUrdas and Loredas. like what were you smoking todd


bro really named his day “Turd-:peach:”, that’d never fly these days


honestly i kinda get it. thursdays really do feel like that


Oh gods no, I just say; “x weeks later” or “a month later” etc.

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Tuesday, aka Tiw’s Day, Tiw/Tiwaz/Teiwaz being a version of the god Tyr. They just spelled him with an i.

Blame English for being funky with vowels, this is just Thor’s day but with a T instead of a Th.

Saturday simply by elimination.

Also here’s a list of the week days in Norwegian for no reason at all:
Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag, Lørdag, Søndag

They just kicked out Onsdag for the “middle of the week” naming featured in German (idk if other Germanics got that too, usually it’s Odin’s day).

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Me, playing hunter: man I love this gameplay, why don’t I ever main one?

Me, switching to either beast mastery or survival: ah, yes. i remember now. the incredible level of rage I get about BM not being the melee spec like you barely have to change anything about either spec and the flavour would match up perfectly why would someone in tune with the wild want to stay 40ft away from their pets and shoot with a gun why does a survival hunter throw bombs in their own face i swear to god i am becoming the joker again


They are wrecking MM next patch.

Leave BM alone, I have had to learn to love it again.

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It will never not drive me insane that just 1x patch ago they decided Survival needed another full-rework but this time with Goblin explosives and technology everywhere for the specilisation that is very uniquely described as surviving in tandem with ecological systems. Please God man I beg just let Hunters have their Ranger Nature Magic fantasy how is this so hard.


why does flying into a bestial rage make you better at loading a bow or gun, both things that require careful hand-eye coordination and/or training


[i admit i have not looked at the MM changes beyond ‘there’s a bird, i think’ because i want to just wait until it hits live]

beast mastery is a ranger, marksmanship is a sniper/longbowman, survival is a hunter

yeah, the whole spec is now around this poxy hawk that is uncustomisable. At least I can keep my actual pet now, but still.

Did not ask for any of this, thanks Blizz.

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Meanwhile, rogues just sitting there, bombless. Even though most of the bomb laying NPCs are rogues. Because sabotage.

I just play BM with my hunter.
More spiders = more good.