Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)


guiwwotine-chan is hungwy :3


Feed the boy!


Doesn’t mean the majority knows what’s good for them. Imho the only reason people’d vote fascist is because they think -they- will become the top of the foodchain… only to then find out things got worse and they’ll be the ones crying loudest “How could this have happened?!”


Given the US is currently going Through The Motions like it’s the 1930s in central Europe, we may very well find out.

If I were a betting man, I’d be wagering on us seeing the ‘Trump Youth’ be a real and horrifying thing within three months. Tops.

If I wasn’t absolutely set on staying alive out of spite, I’d be taking up drinking…

You know what’s bonkers to see, right now?

Some Furries - you know, who The Usual Sorts love to meme about and make cruddy animated videos about Black Templar Space Marines ripping them apart in droves of badly done swathes of gratuitious ‘cartoon’ violence? Yeah - seeing them vote for this insanity. And using all the language and terminology, as if that wouldn’t in a heartbeat get turned on them. And then they will, genuinely and earnestly, be utterly shocked that it’s their face getting eaten by the tigers.

Can feel myself going a little bit insane-r this week…

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cat alarm goes off


Me -

“in fact i wrote it”



But who does, then? The PM in South Korea just recently thought that he was the man who knew what had to be done. Didn’t go so well with him.

IGN trying to frame the Bioware layoffs as if those laid off left voluntarily is really vile actually

I also loudly mew when something doesn’t go my way, I get it typhon

Watch out their on a mewing streak!

Same with Puerto Ricans voting for him after the whole ‘comedy’ indicent. Or a friend of mine who’s part Latina that voted for him.

Apparently Americans are willing to tolerate -alot- if they think it will bring change and they will benefit from it, that’s what I’ve learned.

I do have to admit… the flashgitz videos -were- funny, and the furries do get plenty of payback in later videos too.

Can do nothing but endure I fear, and rigorously regulate your media-intake.

I’ll give you that, so far I am not exactly impressed with most of the politicians of the current generation. Either they try to rule through the old “Me strong man/skirting-close-to-autocrat/sometimes fullblown autocrat” approach, -or- they let things get so out of hand -that- the people somehow think " Ah yes, strong man guud".

Like, I will never, -ever-, try to excuse the wannabe-autocrat types, but our other politicians -do- have work to do, and have to do it quickly, if they want the common people to trust them again over the would-be autocrats.

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wasn;t even not getting his way, just I didn’t get out of my chair fast enough to feed him.

that is also usually when I mew, too

Actually feel like ragequitting trying to build this damn Warhammer: The Old World Grudgethrower.

It’s a metal kit, so I thought it would be sturdy - WRONG. One bit was damaged/cracked in the pack, and now another is showing the same hairline stress-crack while I’m trying to wrangle it all together. Because NONE of the parts line up properly, and because of that the glue isn’t biting properly, so while I’m trying to get one part to line up the OTHER part is now working the incomplete glue bond loose, and-

I just might dump this from my WIP army list and stick with the cannon. Cos that’s plastic, and has been sat happily finished and sub-assemblied, ready for painting, on my shelf for quite some time!
I’d even take a Forgeworld Resin kit over this, right now… good grief… ._.

This is a video games forum, none of us have the answer to the question of “how do we solve the problems of democracy” because if we did, we’d be out there winning Nobel Peace Prizes instead of nattering on here.

But in my opinion, the answer to populism is a larger judiciary with greater powers, unelected justices with life tenure capable of overturning legislature and executive orders alike. There need to be enough of them and appointed in such a way that a recently elected executive and/or legislature would find it difficult to enact radical change.

The issue with this is that only the status quo benefits, as such a judiciary would likely veto all radical change, no matter where it comes from on the political spectrum. Dramatic change would only be possible if the executive, legislative and judicial branches were all working together, as is the case under Donald Trump in the USA right now. He really got lucky, being able to reappoint a third of the Supreme Court in a single term.

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For a nation that doesn’t shut up about ‘overthrowing the Crown’, they sure did then proceed to cram their entire foot into their mouth with Presidenial picked Justices for Life. Which, based on current evidence, is so much worse…


I mean, unelected officials like justices are supposed to be a very important safeguard against populism and the sort of stuff happening right now. It just so happens that the US system failed at a very unfortunate point in time, due to a number of flaws in the system, the rules being bent a little, two very important old people dying and a third retiring.

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One often overlooked aspect to take into account is that for a lot of people with latino ancestry/parents/grandparents/whatever you want to call it that live in the states, socialism and anything approaching it is deeply rooted as heinously evil and not without reason due to the history of socialism being a banner word for just about every dictatorship that have plagued Latin America for most of the modern age.

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Yet to dare the fates and get a metal miniature myself but I have heard repeatedly said that Pinning can help immensely when it comes to assembling metal models. - So if you are handy with a drill it might be the way to go.