Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

Tbh justices and such only have sway when the government at the time cares about laws that aren’t their own.

Even here in the uk when boris was told ‘no’ his response and his cronies was ‘no u, law change’. Turnip wouldn’t even bother with that, he’d just do it anyway and there are enough people willing to follow his insanity it’d gain some traction regardless.

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It’s not just her awful va honestly, I can get past that. I just find her character throughly unlikeable.

It feels like they were going for a light weight Dorian type, detached maybe a bit sardonic but ultimately deeply caring and overall a good person but she lacks the charm to make whatever they think they were aiming for work.

Contrast to bellera who on paper should be a total embarrassment to elf kind…, but she just works and is rather endearing.

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she’s beautiful and that’s all i needed personally

i am a very vapid person

Desartin suggested that I read the Curse of the Worgen comic. I thought nothing of it - after all, who has the time for alts these days?

Little did either of us know what he unleashed…

Also it’s Friday. Enjoy your weeken AD!


One Of Us :smile:

getting deep into last of us 2, and so far i can’t see why it was so divisive except that now i think i’m playing abby for the long haul which i don’t super vibe with, but i’m hoping to warm to her

but my most important thought is that i would die for dina which is unfortunate because my guy Jessie just did and I am not okay about it

i am still very scared of everything that moves, but the atmosphere and story are so compelling like with the first one that i can’t help but keep moving forward

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that character was the main reason why. wasnt overly fond of her but i still think the pure vitriol was one of the most disgusting gamer moments possible. imagine threatening to harm a womans baby because you hated the vidya game character she got paid to voice

I don’t like her much, for obvious reasons, but probably that’s what the next ten or so hours of gameplay are supposed to change.

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Generally speaking the game fell flat for me after a while because it was trying to tell such a specific story that seemed at odds with having an actual player in control.

True, you make a pretty good point there, and that’s something I briefly forgot.

I’m glad my suggestion has been well-received! As Rexxar would say:


Sending this to your wife to either gas her up or for blackmail purposes, I haven’t decided yet

It has a really interesting way of telling a story that I’m not 100% sold on, that’s for sure.

But I’m still enjoying it a lot. The structure and pacing of the first game felt a lot better though.

I like Neve because she reminds me of my wife, except for the missing leg.


I think Neve is hot but Emmrich and Lucanis are just hotter

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they don’t look like my wife so unfortunately i cannot agree

but i am happy for you and for them

lucanis helped me find love again. hes the goat.

i would like to be in a throuple with lucanis and neve is that so much to ask bioware (or bellara and neve, or bellara and emmrich)

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i miss my dalish wife tails

Had to have a wisdom tooth taken out and I was VERY BRAVE about it everyone please clap

I can’t feel the left side of my face


this week sucks. i’d like a do over