Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

i could fly over and cough in your mouth, hope this helps x

Thanks but thereā€™s too much sick already here
If you could annoy my management for a couple days so they stop their ā€œpretending to care because we have toā€ they do each January that would be great though
Iā€™m tired of having to wait literal years for them to do anything while we have to jump when they remember to say the word


Jinx remains that.


iā€™ve deleted one of your total war mods. i wonā€™t tell you which one.

I can just check them against my husbandā€™s!

iā€™ve deleted one of his, and itā€™s a different one


Then you just use the mod manager to copy over current mods on both sides. The missing one will be reinstalled! Ha
I win.

I should sleep
But then I have to go to work

Knowing people who uwufy her and going ā€œomg sheā€™s just like me, everyone else is evilā€ really ruins the character for me
usually Iā€™m not affected by what other people do with their media consumption but this one is ā€¦ icky


your honour, she is babygirl

and itā€™s her birthday

The person Iā€™m talking about blames everyone else for their own issues. And they throw massive fits over being told no.

And I do not think they understand Jinxā€™s character arc at all. So no chance of reflecting on things.

Itā€™s just grating u_u

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why community i am in just imploded.


Punch. Her. In. The. Faceā€¦

i am in awe of my controller making it so when I posted snark it did it backwards because it kept resetting the cursor back to the beginning of the line

So snarked backwards while playing the cultist character.

I donā€™t know what the devs have done but theyā€™ve somehow broken galaxy size mods in stellaris. I can get a 4-5k star map but only a pithy 30 civs.

If the slider goes over that it hard crashes. I donā€™t like this. The default maps are FAR too small and 30 on the modded ones is empty.

So-- while helping my friend with his school project, he said he wanted to add a dog as a companion.

Iā€™ve managed to convince him to a) make the dog a Belgium Malinois and b) name this majestic working dog ā€œPumpkinā€

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I love tech illiterate boomers

Someone signed up onto our site (recruitment/job seeking service) and ticked every box that says yes, they wish for us to share their open application and market them on social media to boost visibility on their application. There are three boxes in total waving consent. You can sign on to the site without consenting to having your application shared on recruitment channels. The person signed yes on all of them.

The person then sent an angry email about not wanting to be on social media.

I love tech illiterate boomers


I am so glad my dad is a 1970s trained career computer programmer and was also very keen for my mum to learn computer basics when computers were adopted domestically, because to explain the computer to anyone older than 50ish is completely infuriating and hearing/doing free family tech support for just my in laws is already stressful enough.


Craving irn bru.
Itā€™s not sold anywhere locally.
Feels like a personal slight.
Why, Scotland?

I feel like I somehow grew worse at the Starcraft 2 campaign. I play it on Hard, and especially Legacy of the Void feels like itā€™s tougher compared to the other 3. Most notably during the Shakuras missions did I notice I seem to take longer to complete the missions and struggle more ( my micro game was already average at best).

Is this what getting older means brothers and sisters?

Wake up.

Check news feeds.

ā€œBeloved Oblivion/ES voice actor Wes Johnson found unconcious in critical condition.ā€

god not one of the good ones. :frowning: