I’m on the other end, trying to take away stuff from my dad so his tech illiterate boomerness doesn’t nuke the internet.
tbh I’m like so close to asking them to pay me for handling their stupid
put him back
I’m on the other end, trying to take away stuff from my dad so his tech illiterate boomerness doesn’t nuke the internet.
tbh I’m like so close to asking them to pay me for handling their stupid
put him back
Legacy can be a tough campaign to be sure, especially early when you have to manage without the powerful faction units
the big difficulty spike is Ulnar though, that lock mission is rough
One of the Elder Memes has crossed my path once again.
I am now sorely tempted to make a Forsaken Apothecary/Plague Doctor.
Personal theme tune; Gangsters Paradise
-Reaches through the universe to grab Life by the neck-
N o
i guess i am going 2 days without sleep again (I’ll crash at some point tonight)
Definetly true. I tend to go to Shakuras as soon as I flee Aiur, to get Vorazun and all the dialogue asap, then Glacius to get Fenix before going to Korhal.
Ulnar’s lock mission oddly enough went relatively okay. The Nerazim version of the Immortal , Annihilator I think, turned out to be my ace in the hole. Whenever a big unit appears I could just turret them down with their ability, same with bunkers. Combine with the ability to stop time in 3 places and the automatic vespene gathering, its going pretty well. Am now currently on the last Ulnar mission.
Once we get the Dark Archon and we can start stealing protoss-units willy-nilly, well…
A jog works for me when the specter of insomnia rears its head. But yeah, inability to sleep is a edited by moderator
On a totally unrelated note, do mods still sticky RP guides? We’ve had two solid ones in a week!
it’s hard to beat the OG though
Oh definetly, it wins in that regard.
I also forgot how funny Alarak could be.
“Do you think us fools?”
“Yes, but that is irrelevant.”
Alarak is the best character in legacy of the void and it’s not close
especially in co-op where his sass reaches nuclear levels. “even my structures put up more of a fight than you.”
unrelated peeve: another day, another hunter piece with tassets that causes the tabard to clip through it. god damn it i thought you fixed this in BFA
he is hots’s biggest hater and i love him for it
Peeve: Battle.net logs out every time I turn any of my VPNs on or off.
I have no idea personally, but the search function is there if/when our guides drop out of immediate interest. It’s not ideal, but that’s just how the new (though I guess they really aren’t new at this stage!) forums work.
the thought of people reporting others because of alarak’s voice lines just being that kind of toxic will never not be funny
hes the level of toxic league players wish they could achieve really.
I haven’t played SC2 in years, but I can still hear his sass, as clear as day.
he really pulled the “A little prick can be quite an annoyance.” right in front of us
"guy who is intensely arrogant but also consistently skilled enough to back up their trash talk2 is unfortunately a staple in my heart
like, you really want to punch alarak but he would kill you
nah I’d win