Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Yeah, I’ve noticed that when reading old books and watching older lore videoes. Imo it worked better that way compared to what we’ve got going now.


Draenei kind of have a history of going loco without Velen around, pretty sure he also had to straight up order them to at least tolerate Broken, if nothing else.

So from that angle, with the draenei having their literal gods walking (or floating) among them and said gods having 0 interests that don’t involve spreading the Light to every corner of the land, it isn’t surprising that they’d eventually go full zealous crusade without their mortal compass incarnate around.


More anime voices Naaru when?

Well, more specifically the arc that involved Yrel going from ‘trust in the Light and receive virtue’ to ‘only those who trust the Light are virtuous’ was cut from WoD and had to be hastily crammed back in to the Mag’har scenario

but also draenei always have a bit of Eredar in them, even Velen

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theres a lesson to be learned from shadowbringers

not all demons come from the dark, some prefer the light :eyes:

spoken like someone that truly hasn’t done the Eden raids :pensive:

i say it because i did them
i say it because im forever making sure gaia doesnt forget what lipstick she wears

I was really having a nice day why did you remind me of her


:eye: :lips: :eye: the light…its too much for her to bare! AAAGH! Enough of this! power of dArKnEsS answer my call :nail_care:

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Unlikely that she’d forget, given that her lips take up roughly 3/5 of her face.

Don’t mean to derail the topic or let this get in the way of the overall healthy conversation.
I wanted to check in and see if anyone would be wanting to throw in their opinions or ideas on this.

Have been trying for months to get some support and hopefully have the thread be noticed in order to get rp some much needed love and attention.
I’d like to thank you all in advance and spread the good word if you would be so kind, would mean a lot to me.
Keep safe and have a good day everyone!

The soul longs for oblivion


This thread had a topic?

Is it in game?

Is it even “on the regular” and not a single instance in one below average novel that got retconned into oblivion a month after it’s publishing date?

no but it’s not contradicted in-game, fits the character, and echoes something he did ages back in a much older book which took place i believe somewhere on outland so it works well enough

Doesn’t need to be in canon, it shows up both in the most recent book and in one of the much older WC2-era ones.

He just really loves torturing people.

I think he’s talking about that one time in that after BfA novel where he was torturing a simple average joe who struggled to make ends meet with Alleria, Turalyon chained the man with the Light while Alleria was entering his mind with void.

There might also be around the second war or first, I can’t keep them straight anymore, where Turalyon “found” the Light by deciding that Orcs were beyond salvation and it was his righteous duty to cull them. Then again, he does work with any race around Legion, only to go back to his old prejudices with his Warfront voice lines and by failing to immediatly see that the Light was still residing in his undead master.

Turalyon has extemist streaks and an inclination to easily trust fellow members in Light, but torture was a one time thing as far as I know.

Beyond the Dark Portal

Turalyon closed his eyes and slowed his breathing, reaching for the quiet, still pool deep inside him, the center where no matter what was raging in his head or heart, he was at peace. From that place of calmness, he asked for aid, for the Light. He felt a tingling along his skin as the Light responded, granting him its power and its unspeakable grace. He heard gasps from his friends and a frightened cry from the prisoner, and inhaled deeply, opening his eyes to see the familiar shimmering along his hands, his arms. Danath and Khadgar stared at him, their eyes wide in shock. And as for the orc, it was a huddled ball of green at his feet, whimpering incoherently. When he spoke, Turalyon’s voice was completely calm and controlled. There was no place here for hate or the heat of anger. Not when one stood fully in the Light.

“Now, by the Holy Light, you will answer our questions and do so truly,” Turalyon intoned,
reaching out and resting his palm against the orc’s forehead. There was a sudden, blinding flash of light. He felt a spark leap from flesh to flesh. The orc shrieked, and when Turalyon removed his hand there was a dark handprint there, as if it had been burned in. The orc shivered and groveled, weeping.

Turalyon hoped he had not scared it senseless.

It is pretty funny that like one paragraph prior it says “Turalyon deeply disapproved of torture” and then he goes on…to torture the orc with Light magic. I guess it’s only bad when you get your hands dirty.

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So that novel that got retconned within months of being published, right.

That’s not torture.

No more than any other Paladin in the setting.

Nah, considering there’s only one instance of it. That’s not “loving it”. Get back to me when he starts running around with hot pokers screaming about naughty secrets.

You posted as I posted that, incidentally, not ignoring what you put seconds before I hit reply.

But it doesn’t read like he’s loving it. More like he’s doing what he has to do, given the earlier context in the novel.