Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

time to download halo all over again

but on my xbox, since it refuses to even do as much on my pc now (but at least all my other gamepass games are running again!)

i think gamepass is great but good god do i hate the pc xbox apps and how it took me like an hour of googling to figure out how to join a friends convoy in forza 5

also how every time an achievement pops my entire game (regardless of game) just freezes

could obviously be my pc but man steam doesn’t have these problems

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haven’t had this issue but man, linking the gamepass/xbox app to the absolutely horrendous microsoft store is just the worst


I’ll give you a cynical man’s initial opinion.

While both Halo 4 and 5 managed to destroy my will to live in within about 1.5 hours into each game’s campaign, I’m currently 4 hours into Infinite and I’m really digging what I’m seeing so far. So I’m cautiously optimistic.

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Not pragmatism, just spite but that that point, the council earned the treatment, right?

But as also said, the Ascension has so many more people, and it’s specifically them who calls for help, not the council.

Narratively, mere statistics compared to the obstructive council you’ve learned to despise. The moment is one of choosing to be better than them or brief spiteful catharsis as they burn.

DW king, me neither.

Also there’s already 2x pvp threads there. The other with 110 upvotes.

Watch them both get ignored.


IIRC the choice to let them die has that as an option for your Shepard’s reasoning - either ‘we need to complete the mission we can’t take the risk even if the council dies’ or ‘haha screw those guys this is a good opportunity to take them out without risking the mission’

I’d love to hear your thoughts when you’ve finished it. It’s not going to finish downloading any time soon. I definitely like what I’ve seen, the grappling hook looks fun. It’s a huge trend right now, sure. But I think it’s way more fun than the “literally every game has a bow” trend of the 10s.

There’s 3…
Give me the RP threads Boush! Give them to me!

i would but alas blizzard thinks im too much of a gamer so here we are

Yeah. Me too.
There are so many ideas that exist, but most of them will be PvPers asking for the unobtainable balance or more arenas.

i’m not even mad, thats what I wanted mainly too.

i also had lore wishes + rp wishes, but fixing fundamental parts of the game is far more important to me.

Is there a place to view these council threads, is there?

If there isn’t a healthy balance of all game types, someone’s going to get boned.

CTRL + F: Roleplay.

One mention. I look at the camera.


Do we have any ADers on the council?