If our man Telaryn had gotten in we’d have a half dozen threads on the matter already…
Yeah and it was interesting until it ended up completely invalidated in the next game.
Telaryn, you hadn’t read Shadow’s of the Horde enough.
You’ve brought great dishonour upon us all.
I postulate that he has in fact read Shadow’s of the Horde too much and that his knowledge is too dangerous to be present on the council.
Coldshade believes one exists.
“One ADer on the council” is great news if they’re a normal dude and extremely bad if they’re a jade witch
“Welcome to the first community council meeting!”
robot noises and keyboard sounds
Mysteriously feminine sounding keyboard clicks.
Feminine sounding chair creaks too.
Peeve: the red mage level 60 fight is way overtuned for a solo duty.
I got used to solo duties being a breeze, thought this would be a quick quest… only for the boss to wipe the floor with me.
At my friends’ advice, I got better gear, raising my item level from 142 to 252, and tried again. Brought the boss to like 1% health, was about to deal the killing blow when… “Duty Failed”? Oh, I’m supposed to heal my NPC ally (who doesn’t show up in the party interface) while also healing myself and paying attention to all the myriad boss mechanics? What?
Three more tries later, I finally did it. By the skin of my teeth. Ugh.
Yeah idk what’s with this one. It’s just broken for no reason.
Aha! The mask falls of this Final Fantasy game!
What do you mean?
No idea… just tryin’ to make conversation but this thread seemed to have turned into a Final Fantasy thread
Always has been
On topic I’m way too invested in Reaper for my own good. Send help… or better yet a scythe-shaped body pillow.
I’ve been starting up Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 again on my PS4… adn maybe gonna play Fallout 4 again (and finally finish it)
On the other hand, I got my reaper to 80 and felt kinda meh about it, so I took me MCH into EW instead, while leveling summoner on the side. Finding it pretty cool, if a bit simplistic.
Thats not how you spell Olympic Gymnast.
MCH is very faceroll hunter-core in playstyle. Full mobility while using your abilities at range? Yes plz.
Unpopular opinion perhaps but UNS 3 was better than 4.