Pet peeves: The return (Part 2)

Became a no damage SGE for 5 minutes as I forced a cuddle on Mini (who didn’t want to be cuddled)

Forced cuddle? Oh, the humanity! One, one MILLION years dungeon for Croecell!

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“You cuddle Mini?!”

“You squeeze him like soft toy?!”

“Jail for human, jail for 1000 years!”

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Miette has simply returned to the Immortal Plane, as all cats eventually do. Leaving their gentle paw-marks across the cement of life.

Found out the flying chair was cheaper to buy than craft, so I have a flying chair now and the mounted animation is equally as hillarious as the concept of flying chair mount.


I have the other chair;


The Alliance of Evil Chair Riders rises.

A number of Star Wars fans have begun an online thing protesting David Cage’s star wars game ("#BlackoutStarWarsEclipse").

On the one hand, my gut reaction is it’s just twitter noise and nothing will come of it.

On the other hand, twitter noise has changed some things re: media properties in the past. Most recently the STALKER2 NFT stuff but also stuff like Sonic movie’s sonic design.

So good luck to 'em I guess, hope they succeed.


I should get that too, flying furniture is just good mount material

What’d I miss this time?


David Cage is not a good person in a number of ways.
Some details here:

Also his games are bad.


He doesn’t make games for cigarettes!

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Oh wow.

What is it with the community recently having such overtly -ist people around? Was this always just shimmering underneath the surface and it finally exploded :frowning: ?

Peeve: Trying to pick, and settle on, and complete one (1) 40k army.

Brain, plz :sob:

Finished Heavensward in its entirety and did the first two quests of Stormblood to unlock the hub.

I have just one thing to say that hasn’t already been said by others…

3.5 spoilers

See, Alphinaud? See? I said we should have just killed Estinien and destroyed the One Ring Eyes of Nidhogg for good!

To paraphrase Kirk Lazarus: “Never go full paragon.”

You just made many ishgardaboos very angry.

Some things I recall being particularly scummy is:

  1. Creepy behavior towards workers & women.
  2. Hostile behavior towards workers & women.
  3. Rendering(and keeping) a fully nude model of a character 100% inspired & likeness in appearance of Elliot Page before his coming out as trans, and despite him speaking out not wanting it to exist after it was revealed. David Cage claimed it was his property and refused to remove it.
  4. Using the “I know Elliot Page” as every excuse when argued against.
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I mean Lintian isn’t wrong, but also not correct either.
The right idea, but wrong way of tackling it

What happened on that bridge still feels like one of the lowest points of the whole story.

That part is like everyone just forgot to use their head for once, what’s the worst that could happen? :^)