Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

We are truly repulsive creatures.

They made a deal wih Beelzebob.

That is really sad :frowning:


I didn’t hate the Reva side plot, but it wasn’t the highlight of the episode. Except of course for Aunt Beru side sweeping me by immediately tooling up and going commando at the first sign of trouble which is epic and cool.

Someone on Reddit commented that when we see them dead in New Hope, what isn’t on screen is the scores of Stormtroopers that Owen and Beru took with them just to the side.

I loved the conflict between Vader and Obi Wan, it was a lot more than I expected and full of some really powerful emotion. However …

Obi Wan leaving Vader alive left a sour taste in my mouth. Him not finishing the job on Mustafar made complete sense, he was as good as dead anyway and he couldn’t bring himself to land the finishing blow on his brother.

But here, the completion of the arc is Obi Wan realising that Anakin is well and truly dead, so much that he calls him Darth as he walks away. So the problem I have now is this; the emotional connection is severed, which is visible to us in the change of tone and posture from Obi Wan, so that crutch from Mustafar is removed, additionally the wounds that he has sustained are survivable and we know the imperials are in orbit waiting for him, so he’s going to survive and live another day.

So why would Obi Wan leave Darth Vader alive, knowing what he is capable of and witnessing first hand his cruelty when he tormented those villagers in the third episode?

For me, by leaving Vader alive he is now in part responsible for the crimes that he will go on to do. Obviously he can’t kill him because they need to fight again in New Hope, but there must have been a better way to resolve that fight where Obi Wan is forced to retreat (again) or some other contrivance.

I’m probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, but it just didn’t feel right to me.

I missed reviving the lore tidbit thread by two days. Such wonderful forumd design.

NFT dating app canceled due to a lack of women signing up.

I swear, the jokes write themselves.



Bat poetry : I scream yet no one hears me


Got my new work responsibilities and schedule today so that is nice, but also means I have to break it to my TTRPG group that I can’t join the campaign I said I could :sob:

pouring one out for you today

They’re not gonna be happy haha, I’ve been asked a few times since I had to dip out for the previous campaign.

We’ve had SO many spiders this year and I am sick and tired of them, curtesy of being an arachnophobe


It’s funny, in other Discourse servers forums get opened/closed frequently by mods, and there is no auto-closing if a month goes past w/o a reply. (Also it auto-opens closed threads?)

Can someone please remove the sun?? Thanks.

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it’s raining and shining over here while hearing the thunder in the distance. So it’s a nice middleground

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I went to bed at 9pm from being so tired… And the storms kept me awake 8(((((

I don’t understand them.

The people who nominate them are up for sale, and so are they. Guns are a big business in the US. It’s easier to understand if we stop viewing guns as killing machines and start viewing them as a simple item for sale.

If that seems heartless, then keep in mind that opioids, alcohol, tobacco, and fast food also kill, yet are governed purely as cash cows for the corporate class. Guns are probably more profitable than all of the above (double check in case I’m off the mark).


People on gen forums suggesting there’s enough customisation in WoW.

Have you seen other game’s customisations that blows WoW’s out of the water?


Bold of you to assume these people even play other games, nevermind MMOs, than WoW

Hell I’d even say the pre-2000s/early-2000s era had more costumisation than modern WoW.