Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

there’s a dwarf who burst out of a pie if that counts

Close enough.

I’m sold.

It’s the rule of numbers now, you gotta do the meme numbers

They’re adapting the series on Netflix atm with season 1 covering book 1 and honestly it’s been received pretty well so far. They added the Crows in season 1 even though they don’t appear until their own spin off series after the main trilogy, but they adapted Crows into the story as a kind of “book zero”, an origin story. And their characterisation is so good that it just works even though in the books they weren’t there.

Some characters also got improved a lot from the books, making them better. If you like season 1, I suggest going to read the books after. Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom duology spinoff are the best in the entire series.

My take is that all the changes made for the show were for the better.

I did start on the show but stopped again.
it wasn’t bad, but I was just not as engaged when it was focusing on the main character with her special powers and the lord/duke/commander/whathisface McOpposite special powers.

The crooks’ story on the other hand… :ok_hand: :wink:

their books are 10/10

Hit it Fergie @Elenthas

but also season 2 will introduce Nikolai who next to Kaz (and Nina) is the best character in the entire setting

I loved season 1. I considered getting the books, but I’ll wait till I’ve watched it all (many years from now)

Too bad I know that you’re a MCU-baby.
Now come back here so I can stamp 199999 onto your forehead.

but consider nikolai …

I’m reading Warhammer (fantasy, not 40k) books right now.
I’m taking in dwarf lore.
So I have plenty of time for Netflix to put out more. Then I can watch that. Then eventually read it.

It’s bewildering that people are genuinely concerned about the accuracy of assigning made-up numbers to made-up Earths.

It’s a lore sorting feature. You can’t just switch out the numbers.

Only the host needs all 3 games. Sweet


Which one is our earth? It’s the only one that matters. All others are what-ifs.


Featured in…?

Your life?

… it mostly comes up in fourth wall breaking jokes inside the comics.

Figures. Our own actual world has no superheroes. Except Muskrat. :face_vomiting:

i actually have only seen like, homecoming as the only MCU movie :sunglasses:


earth-69 does not have additional meme numbers

A sad existence, really. No super powered models in suits so tight they may actually just be paint flying around, destroying New York to protect it from the big monster : (

That qualifies you.