Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

somnus hours

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ngl before i even started to play the game, it was installing still and i just sat listening to that menu music for ages before i could load in. incredible track.

that game has so many great pieces but it just doesnā€™t quite stick the landing.

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Iā€™m still wondering what it would be like if they went ahead with the original Xlll-3 idea for it instead of changing it into XV. What little was shown of the original idea looked really cool.

Edit: oops, I meant versus Xlll, not Xlll-3.

Wasnā€™t Versus XIII originally a Nomura project? God only knows what would have resulted.

Okay, so the solstice thread has left me confused.

When did pagan seasonal holidays becomeā€¦ chic? Every major astronomical seasonal date, Iā€™m swarmed with names heretofore unfamiliar. Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and now Litha. And Iā€™m hearing of them even from people whom I otherwise thought uninterested in anything remotely religious.

Is this a ā€œkids these daysā€ thing? Asking as a disoriented millennial.

waves vaguely in the direction of Verum Rex.

I have no idea what that means.

Verum Rex* is the Versus XIII parody/homage game in Kingdom Hearts 3, starring Yozora, who showed up in the KH3 DLC and foreshadowed events for KH4.

Nomura even mirrored one of the original Versus XIII trailers in re:mind

*which translates to ā€˜True Kingā€™, if it wasnā€™t already on the nose enough.

As early as 2010, if not earlier? Thatā€™s when I noticed it at least. Most of the time though itā€™s a diet paganism, hip new thing for zoomers, though there are people that genuinely take it as their faith for this or that reason. Itā€™s not that noticeable in our country though.
Afaik Solstice specifically has been regularly celebrated among the Nords (Sweden etc.), but thatā€™s like celebrating Christmas, doesnā€™t have to be religious.

i donā€™t know what the hell has gone on with this covenant assault, but I do not have Drakaā€™s Horn to continue it.

A bunch of possible reasons. Interest in oneā€™s roots, interest in general spiritualism, interest in celebrating actually meaningful times of year, an increase in the knowledge of the general population with the advent of the internet and so on.

Oh, and you forgot Beltane/Mayday. Great excuse to have a bonfire.

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At least her actual name was just Claire.

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Eclair in the Japanese release. They renamed her for the western release because pastry. something something cream-filled joke.


I like this line of jokes.

Itā€™s common talk among my liberal, often-LGBT social circle, but otherwise yes, it seems Slavic neopaganism is all the rage here instead.

See, I do want to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes, but as a rationalist I want to do it in a purely secular way without any religious or spiritual connotations, even if itā€™s just superficial dressing. And now it feels like these people have appropriated astronomical events for themselves.

(grumbles, shakes cane)

Also, Iā€™d say among RPers (especially Night Elves), neopagan traditions and whatnot also serve as inspiration for IC events.

and hey, excuse to throw a party baybeee

the real reason for everything

Solstice when living near Stonehenge is just an excuse to get drunk by the stones and watch the sunriseā€¦ You rarely see it cause British weather.

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(laughs in introvert)

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