Lightning has had sex exactly once, didn’t see the appeal, and decided never to bother again
Ace/Aro Lightning is absolutely canon.
I don’t see what stops you really. You can celebrate it all you like, however you like. You don’t have to slaughter a bull or whatever and others celebrating this or that more religiously shouldn’t affect you whatsoever. My partner celebrates Christmas despite being a staunch atheist and seems to be doing fine.
Say, would you like to add me on Discord, Hethes? There are some things I’d like to talk about that wouldn’t be of much interest to other AD forum goers.
My Discord can be found on
Sure. I’m running errands today so idk when exactly I’ll be able to, but should manage today.
Anyone else bummed out by how many great locales there are in WoW that flat-out can’t be used for roleplay, because they were either never given a peaceful phase (Brennadam constantly on fire from Horde troops), or were flat out abandoned after their relevant expansion (Suramar)?
Considering World of Warcraft used to be a linear MMO where you had to go through expansions in order, I’m surprised how sparingly they reuse locations. It feels like they end up destroying a lot of the cooler vistas for quests, and never really provide anything as a replacement.
TL;DR - I just want a nice city or a viable hub that isn’t Stormwind/Duskwood or Orgrimmar/Silvermoon.
All the time, they really could do with a mobless phasing of various zones for RP purposes.
There are plenty out there. The issue is people don’t go to them because most are already in the big spots because they’re already populated.
cant wait for three hopes on friday and the inevitable edelgard is a certain austrian from the 1940s discourse and rage you cant ship dimitri and claude to resume again
my greatest regret in life is that i never finished three houses. i live in shame because of it
Indeed, people wanna go where the RP is, so they’ll naturally coalesce in the largest spots, which in turn drains the smaller parts.
There’s been a bunch of township projects over the years that have come and gone, and no doubt there will be more in the future.
Think remember I hearing Dalaran [Legion] is relatively popular at the moment though?
Dimitri is a super straight.
imagine never getting the canon ending of making out with edelgard in rheas bed or curing ingrid of her racism with claude smh
much to felix’s chagrin yes
There was a point where the outdoor areas of dungeons (Lost City of Tol’vir, for example) had zero mobs. This was true for a lot of dungeons with uninstanced architecture. Then, during a patch, they randomly ADDED mobs to them? Which… is truly, truly, bizarre. Because.
- You’re not meant to go there without passing through the instance portal anyway.
- With the exception of uninstanced Highmaul, the NPCs don’t actually drop anything or have anything worthwhile to gain from fighting them. So they’re just set dressing for areas you were never meant to go to in the first place?
That’s part of it. Another part is convenience. When people want to exit the RP and go about their business, they can easily make use of the auction house, or portals etc, by moving to a city in under a minute. Some of the more attractive hub areas require both entry to an expansion, and exist out of the way of such amenities. I’m not saying it’s a huge chore to start an expansion, and go somewhere, but never underestimate the laziness of a collective.
He’s an eye-patch survival hunter roleplayer who wears fur armour and wields a spear, of course he’s straight.
Walking doggo down to the corner shop for snacks and having to stand there awkwardly making small talk when the cashier follows you out to fuss them. “Yeah he’s friendly! Oh a cavachon… Go ahead, he love attention.”
Blizzard hate roleplayers. Probably because we also pay attention to their lore errors.
Difficulty of this part of the game:
WoW: easy
FFXIV: medium
LOTRO: hard
“Elf von LordoftheRings”
As someone who just SUCKS at names and naming it’s just Hard, Harder, Even Harder
I just opened
and kept refreshing the random name generator until I liked one of the names. It’s guaranteed correct Sindarin, with a meaning and everything.
(incidentally, the site’s creator is doubly awesome because she’s 1) a professional linguist and 2) an open lesbian)
Also, this button creeps me out:
I’ve had a headache all day today.