Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

That’s pretty good since the party is going to be from Cyre, and Cyre is known for a specific dance.
“It is very fast and energetic, and has been described as both movingly beautiful and incredibly erotic.”
perfect for a noble soiree.

I’ve had a Vixi as a character for years, but I now finally got some artwork for her after all this time thanks to a friend!


Show and tell like back in school days, bring along those trophy heads and cool items to show off.

Needs more ear and nose.

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Its not dumbo ears!

Gnomes have dumbo ears and potato noses. They also have potato heads.
More nose and ear!


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Is this pic unfinished?

I only ask because you can see her face instead of the giant tesla coil :V


Look! When Blizzard fixes the gnome portraits it will be accurate!

A tesla coil obstructing a potato with new potatoes attached.

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That is a peeve; Gnome Portraits!

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Dont make me spray you with water.

Its a huge peeve!

It’s a bigger weapon.

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Right, listen here! They will ruin the Tauren portraits next if you aren’t careful!

sad mooing noises

EDIT: Also, blast from the past, this was the character i used to post on.

back in Wrath, before we got undead hunters.

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makes horns out of hands


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Theres an old saying, “Gnomes are to be seen, not heard”, so yes, they should have portraits fixed asap.

In other news; His Royal Highness refuses to eat what’s in his bowl so he has been forced to have a lap cuddle