Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

While it’s not quite as big of an event in the grand scheme of things, the player character is also responsible for Stitches.

Helping a creepy old man outside a zombie infested graveyard gather weird, esoteric and forbidden items has negative consequences. Who knew?


Ah yes, how could I forget him! When 12-year old me saw Stitches for the first time, I will admit, I was quite scared like “Woah, that thing is coming for us!”

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The adventurers being powerful and uncontrollable but incredibly dumb is A+

Mango cider sounds lush though, ngl.

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As I have already stated; I’d do it all again for a taco.

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Lilley’s is great.
Nice, still cider. Not that sparkling crud that makes my bladder sad.

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This lil’ git is trying to bite me again!

20L of cider, lol, not sure if thats a present or an assassination attempt, either way, have fun.

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So I’ve noticed that it’s possible to leave out class in TRP, effectively just listing a character’s race… and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do that. That’s my pet peeve of the weekend.

Resurrection sickness is one hell of a drug.

Maybe just press space bar where the class is meant to be typed out?

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How dare you rob me of an absolutely valid pet peeve so soon?!

ok but thanks though :grinning:

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analbumcover, yes I read it the same first time I saw it, I love albums, whats your favourite album/artist/band?

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Went out to pick up some things I forgot on Thursday and there was a Tuxedo kitty and they had the most magnificent mustache I have ever seen on a cat.


The expansion could have been about doing nothing… Literally nothing of substance and you’d still end up with a better result than this. Shadowlands is the “Hold my beer” to WoD and BfA’s mediocrity.

I don’t support this in any manner. I mean damn, Denathrius getting away and ‘surviving’ was also a last minute decision if I am to believe their interviews about how they didn’t expect players to like him so much. It’s just the JJ effect at play here… Because these guys have been infiltrators all this time for the Legion, they just changed their true Master on a whim. Mystery boxes that ultimately, will be dissapointing or better, empty.

I think it only becomes disappointing if you put a lot of stock into their origin per se - but there are plenty of interesting stories to tell if you flip the script slightly. Have the Dreadlords be demons who mastered death magic as their own way of foiling the Void, knowing they can’t match the Eredar in arcane or raw fel power, or the Mo’arg in physical prowess.

They raid the Shadowlands to exploit the idea of life beyond death and harvest the power of anima (because if you forcibly stop the cycle of life and death then Sargeras’s victory is basically a foregone conclusion), stealing Frostmourne and the Armour of Domination and infiltrating Revandreth until the Naaru catch wind and raze their stronghold while they’re cut off from the rest of the Legion. You can even have their raid be the inciting event that allows Zovaal to break free and start doing whatever.

It’s all in the telling of the story, and the trouble that often comes with mystery-box storytelling is that nothing is told, just things are shown.

Started playing the Blue Lions route in Three Hopes

didn’t take long for me to get extremely irritated by Dimitri’s lib :poop: attitude, but him idly speculating on how much better Miklan’s life would have been if he had a Crest while standing right next to Sylvain is true hilarity. Absolute clownshoes.

Got to shoe Blanchy when I see her tomorrow.

Done all the SB Alliance raids/Ivalice raids and I can safely say it has been the worst story and content unlock for me personally out of all the alliance raids.

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