Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

wonder how many brave souls got hit with the ban hammer from yesterday’s thread

Not me, I am impervious. :muscle:

damn. literally the only person i wanted to see gone :pensive:

Too bad.

This post was made from inside your walls.

I only saw it 5min before they banished it to the shadow realm. Not sticking your head out of the peeve thread strikes again

Should we change it to “banish it to the Shadowlands”? Really make that thread feel something for being bad.

When Dragonflight hits, we’re leaving Akamito in the Maw without a mount

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i’m playing beta world of warcraft and tauren still have plainsrunning

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I wish this was live. :pensive:

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They really should just add it in now
Back then they couldn’t figure out how to make it work in a non-janky way. Pretty sure those times are past


they should have added that together with tauren rogues (how odd that may sound),
Plainsrunners from the start.

I am unironically making a Tauren mage when Dragonflight drops.

I’m making a tauren rogue myself. Even have a name saved up for one.

I like the idea of a fish out of water Tauren being apprenticed by an uppity Blood Elf or Nightbourne and really struggling with it.



Thinking about remaking my Tauren Druid as a rogue
clip clop I’m here to stab you

tfw the dentist tells me after my first wisdom tooth removal (terrifying) that i need to have another one removed

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Suffer well.

I’ve had two out and thankfully you don’t feel anything except for a bit of pressure - just have to suffer through the weird noises for a little bit and you’ll be okay.

They also gave me adrenaline which was a weird experience, just lying down with my body going Fast and twitching

i can’t tell if i’m biting the swab or my cheek

also i’m only allowed to eat cold, liquid food today and i’m not sure what salty options i have

sweet is covered by yogurt or something like that

i remember when i had one of mine out recently i had a smoothie and it was really refreshing. but the big thing to remember is not to use a straw under and circumstances