Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Mods might be to blame, since mine seem fine. Toybox has only a semi-official update for 1.4 at the moment so you need to dive into the comments to get the working version.

But also you should wait for the EE to drop before starting a proper new run.

What mythic paths haven’t you done yet? I know that Azata and Devil are getting some notable new content.

I checked up on the specific issue my saves are having and Scaling Cantrips is often blamed, which is both no longer supported and also embeds itself into the save so you can’t uninstall it and continue the save.

I’ve finished the game as True Aeon, Lich and Angel (secret ending as lich) and gotten to act 4/5 with most of the paths - could go full Swarm or try one of the others again. Is there a date for EE?

Weird, I’ve got scaling cantrips installed and mine haven’t had any issues so far, tried loading old saves and they went through just fine.

My UMM modlist:

EE’s meant to drop on 29th of September. They could still delay it, but that’s when they say it’s coming out.

Swam doesn’t feel like a big story path to me so not super interesting. Still praying they add more gold dragon content but not had it confirmed yes/no yet.

Yeah, once Will figures out how much of a fanboy Hannibal really is it’s pretty even…

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need for another rant on how could they cancel the Hannibal TV series intensifies

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Warched the second episode of Rings of Power. Still enjoying it and happy to be pleasantly surprised.

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Angry mumbling about short modern hairstyles

God I wish I had it in me to care. But I just can’t.

My man Elrond is looking straight :fire:

if it’s on an elf it’s an elven hairstyle by definition
simple as


FB reminds me that City of Heroes got abruptly sunset, yet Champions Online is, somehow, still up and running.

There is no justice in this world :pensive:

He looks lame to me.

They look like some of the rejected characters I make in dragon age and immediately hate.

they must be truly horrific given what you end up with

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She has a name.

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Loras, I love you, but I will slap the lips off your face.
… But also, yes.

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with your lips?

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damned shem doesn’t know anything about elven hairstyles…

It’s Arueshalae :blush:

Or maybe Galfrey, if the new Devil content is to be believed :eyes:


that’s a funny way to spell wenduag


So, never seen or read Attack on Titan, but really weird to be hit with Deja Vu because AoT actually goes and does the plot that the manga Claymore was going to do before the Claymore writer decided frick the fanbase and stopped.

For those not in the know, the island that Claymore is set on is a testing ground to make giant monsters for one side of an army because the other side has dragons.