Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

This is the Internet.
Where too many people, without an atom of irony, look at Harley and Joker and go “ohmagawd, life goals! #meandwho lol”



That is also abuse!

I more want a Morticia to my Gomez, thanks.


am i your cousin because I HAVE THE CONSOLE VERSION TOO AHH!!!

Coming to regret console purchases more and more


yep, read the summary and decided I’ll hard skip that one.

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My favourite bit about Killing Stalking is how its published as a “romance” manga and…

Just no.

Briefest synop is; serial killer and his victim get up to stuff.

Its not romantic, its a hostage situation.

My curiousity got the better of me.

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He’s living the dream with tall, sophisticated goth mommy.

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Really funny how they were considered weird for… having a healthy relationship?


Akamito coming in with the clutch

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Trying to pump my forum stats.

I’m going to be trying out Wrath Classic like I promised when Classic first got announced but I can’t choose whether I’m going Hunter or Warlock

vote now you have until I’m through the queue, current position 3975

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I don’t mind cooking for myself at home. I’m used to doing food prep and the actual process of making the meal happen, and if it gets to cook for a while I get to enjoy the scent wafting through the house.

But I don’t think I will ever not be utterly bored and annoyed at the cleanup after the fact. Very snooze inducing.

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Warlock, obviously. No bias, I’m a professional.

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Feeling nostalgic for WildStar again. It pains me endlessly that I wasn’t around to play it after it came out of beta, I don’t think I will ever be able to move on.


Stop it. Please, cousin Moburon. Please stop.

I hide my NBC Hannibal blu-rays from the forum crew.

Hunter only if you gave your pets stupid names.
Otherwise Warlock.

people are trying to revive it my dude. theres a private server being built from the ground up. from what i hear progress is working fairly apace at it

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Hope so, I loved the Jak and Daxter style, and was very sad when they steered hard right into “Yeah, hardcore and raiding and pvp, oldschool! Woo!” despite all the customisation and housing etc. And then it sank, surprising no one with half a brain ._.

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It will never be enough.

Disconnecting every couple of minutes while playing Wrath truly is the authentic Classic experience


My Wrath of the Righteous save file exploded since the new patch/DLC came out (and from what I’ve seen it might be unsalvageable) and now I need to figure out what to do for a fresh run

argh, butts

I liked that series! Also that relationship is different.

Still hella toxic mind, but by then end of the series, one hasn’t got more power over the other.

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