Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Its difficult to put into words, but that video makes me unreasonably happy.

Taking Gamma tp the vet tomorrow because she is peeing blood again. So her new food is not doing it’s job evidently.

At least she is still taking BIG sips of water still


I didn’t realise we have to multiply … I’m going to lose Arcanine. No…

Give her lots of hugs from me and tell her she is baby.

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i got manaphy. what even is this i hate it


Its yours now.

I got Golbat instead.

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at least i know what golbat is

curse me for being born in october

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Manaphy is a mythical pokemon though!

it’s no arcanine.

Its cuter.

arcanine is the most beautiful, majestic, powerful pokemon to ever exist and some “mythical cute” pokemon just won’t make the cut in comparison

no, i am not in anyway bias

Tolkien never said elves had long hair! Only that they had “beautiful” hair.

Then again, he never said they had pointy ears, either. The fandom assumed, and filmmakers saw no need to contradict that. This is a show aimed at a mainstream audience. If we’re doing pointy ears as a fantasy convention, I’d leave in long hair as a fantasy convention, too.


Long haired elves are iconic, but I think having elves with varied styles and lengths of hair is fine and it really hasn’t bothered me at all. Maybe in this age they’re going through an experimental phase and trying out different looks before they settle into the defining long hair as a standard.

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Omg Eru it’s not a phase


they should grow beards instead

short beards
long beards
beards as big as your head
just give em a twist
a flick of the wrist
that’s what the barber said


an elf…with a beard?

what is this, a pathfinder crossover episode?!

Let me introduce you to Cirdan the Shipwright

Work peeve I’ve probably complained about before but it happened again: People who message you “hi” or “can you help” and then don’t put what they want, meaning I have to acknowledge it, and then they spend time typing out what they actually need.

Instead, put “Hi, [whatever problem you have]” in your first message! That way no matter when I read it (if I’m away from my desk, on lunch, etc.) I can pick it up immediately and answer it. Saves me time waiting, saves you time waiting.

just makes sense

And if I’m not here? You can just copy+paste the message to someone else!

no it’s me hoping that if they add it bearded elves to more media then blizzard will give wow elves proper beard options

and trolls too while they are it, since they’re elf-adjacent.

Mewtwo (or Mew in nine days).

That’s the really OP pokemon, right?

wish it was zapdos tho :pensive: :fist:


I’ve done the math and it turns out i’m a bulbasaur.