Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

By ‘the day you were born’ is it the day of the WEEK or like ‘22nd of month’?

my favourite pokémon.

well jealous.

Though, I did get the pre-evolved form of my favourite water pokémon so not all bad.

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suspect 22nd of month.

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Usually days of the week aren’t numeric. If someone asks ‘what day were you born?’ you usually answer the nth day of the month. ;p

Pretty sure if you ask for the day of the week you specify it as weekday, no?

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Also, Leo is now a Machop.

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In that case then!

I got number 396, which is Starly on the National Pokedex.

But in 17 days it’ll be 405, which is Luxray on the National Pokedex.

Venonat… fml.

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Togepi apparently.

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Baby Sindrí explains the food posts

He needs the food to bulk up so he can evolve!

This is actual leo ATM;

(I put his bowtie on him)


My rats are apparently a trio of Venomoth.


my excellent Mr Peanutbutter reference goes unanswered. I slink away, defeated

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In other news…

Get on this already Blizz. If one guy can do this, you have no excuse. Make human paladins and belf blood knights happy!


Did someone say Bloodstriders (blood knight hawkstriders) because I distinctively heard Bloodstriders


That’s going to be funny if it happens, since the surname of a friend’s character is Bloodstrider. And yes, she is a blood elf. I would also accept HD Blood Knight-themed armored chicken.

The Paladin RP community would rejoice for sure if this happened.

I for one would like it to happen, including the Warlock specific mounts too (But the reality is that Blizz probably considers the Legion Order Hall mounts for Pally/Warlock to BE the upgraded version x.x)

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They really would rejoice, yes. The Legion horse, while nice, just doesnt look like a regular horse that every paladin could have. I’ve passed it off as such as I trust my fellow rp’ers to have enough imagination , but it just isn’t the same.

In other news, grandest of pet peeves… I thought I was cured, but two nights ago my damn wound decided to open up again, so I can probably look forward to atleast another week of recovery, worst case two, and then hope it doesnt open up again.

(Some of you may remember I had some surgery on an old injury start of july, well, the docs want to let that grow shut on it’s own, which takes quite a while).

Atleast I think I have enough bandages to last until my next check-up on monday, but still, it sucks hard.

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Just saw people in the youtube comments of a gundam episode comparing one of the character to real life person Amber Heard.

If your grasp of character writing is comparing them (incorrectly) to a celebrity then plz just be silent and enjoy the giant robot fights. Please just be the “wow cool robot” people instead.


Hope it doesn’t repeat again and you will have swift recovery from here on bruv

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Been trying out Maneater. It’s nice enough of a game but it really bloody rushes the tutorial part and steadily teaching you everything. I appreciate having Jerry/Cyril Figgus VA commenting, it’s very fitting rather than the Bri’ish BBC Nature Geographic stereotypical voice.

The RPGfication of an evolving shark is… Well I’m ambivalent to it, gives me the same reaction as seeing Gotham Knights displaying numbers when fighting and I keep expecting the game to ask me for micro-transactions.

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