Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Hmm, taking very late night hitchhikers sounds like a bad idea.

Welp, got him to the train station and left with tip for my troubles. Neat.


He looks like an over worked office guy.
Sleeping and being hungry must be hard work

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Here at least there are packs of d10s on sale, because d10 dice pools are used in World of Darkness systems.

ngl a game of persona dnd would be pretty cool.

do they use their own unique versions of the metaverse or are they leaning more specifically into the dark hour, tv world or mementos?

I skipped over the 10d10 guy but another one I read did all of the above at once.

Left it feeling a bit muddled honestly.

yeah dont like that either, id rather something specific than too general.
shame, itā€™d have been cool to homebrew a persona :pensive:

not sure if i like last of us or not

i donā€™t really vibe with stealth games anymore, and iā€™m really easily spooked by things like zombies. iā€™m spending a lot of time crouched down trying to avoid people and thatā€™s fine i guess but iā€™m not sure if itā€™s something iā€™m going to enjoy for however many hours this game goes on for

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~15-20 hours or so start to finish.

Oh itā€™s that short?

Itā€™s a linear AAA game soā€¦yes :smiley:
Obvs if youā€™re taking longer with the gameplay it might stretch out the gametime a bit but average is 15-20 hours, maybe a bit more if you do completionist runs but I donā€™t remember if you needed to NG+ for collectables or whatever.

Iā€™m just in it for the story. Which is alright so far but nothing to write home about.


tess just died which was kind of sad, but pretty predictable. the person who secretly got bit is a pretty standard trope of the genre but i wasnā€™t expecting them to reveal it so quickly after i saw her get mauled like ten minutes earlier. i feel like i didnā€™t have enough time to get that emotionally attached to her.

Youā€™re at the start of the 3rd chapter out of 10.

Theyā€™re not all the same length, some are longer than others, but yeah about 1/4 to 1/3rd of the way through, ish.

wow okay. i mean i feel like i havenā€™t been playing that long at all

feels pretty overpriced for that kind of length

I know game length doesnā€™t correspond directly to quality, and a really good, short game might be ā€˜worth moreā€™ than a lengthy, not-so-good game.

But personal opinion: LoU Remake is not worth the Ā£70 or whatever theyā€™re charging for it. PS4 version for Ā£15 just absolutely adequate and still looks good.

Just donā€™t ask me if Iā€™d apply the same logic of ā€œminor graphical update not worth Ā£70ā€ to the hypothetical Bloodborne PC update/port. My hypocrisy would be on full display if anyone were to point that out.


The important mitigating factor is the gay werewolf gun part of bloodborne

(Also that ports from PlayStation to PC are different beasts from PS4-PS5)

I think it might be that Iā€™m not vibing with it and was hoping that I would have more time to get into it, but if Iā€™m already a quarter though thatā€™s not looking too hot. I suppose there is also the DLC chapter that is included.

The game looks absolutely stunning so I think the remake is valuable (maybe not Ā£69 worth), but the price tag does feel a lot more excessive now that I know that itā€™s a relatively short experience.

Around ~3 hours, for the record.

Iā€™ve said it before but I definitely donā€™t value that as much as some others do because my eyesightā€™s crap and Iā€™m still playing my console games on a 15 year old TV that I bought secondhand during my uni years (it still works, so why would I get a new one??)

So visual spectacle and cutting edge graphics definitely isnā€™t high on my list of prios when it comes to price tags for gaming experiences.

Not worth it.
You can still buy it with clear conscience for lack of alternatives if itā€™s principal for you to have it on pc.
Iā€™d wait for a sale though.
On the general subject of the price of ps5 games: itā€™s stupid and no justifications for why games suddenly have to be priced at 70$ are legit. All the industry wankers involved in peddling that deserve twatting.

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Iā€™m still waiting for Elden Ring to go on sale before I buy it, so Iā€™m almost certain I could wait for PC Bloodborne to do the same.

Salegamer :sunglasses:

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i think iā€™m trying to justify that i spent a stupid amount of money at the start of the year on an LG C1 and making the most of it where my old tv could probably have sufficed

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