Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Did you know that these forums censor the generic term for the item of which Tampax is a brand of?

Making it hard to link the cringe phone call where our new king fantasizes about being reincarnated as a box of them. Had to rely on tinyurl. Ridiculous.

Not a joke, nor is it the new hit isekai anime dropping this winter.

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notice its still standing friend

maybe want fix that friend

maybe want to buy some gas friend

they keep rebuilding it, so rude

(it’s an art gallery these days, it’s quite nice)

that is an incredibly niche fetish and i’m glad to know that he is just as depraved as the average 4chan user


shame. i love a bit of arson but i also love art.

Speaking of my home, it was also the home of the Luddite revolution - which was a workers’ rights protest which was violently suppressed by the British Army.

here’s a quote from Lord Byron on the subject of Nottingham’s working class:

“I have been in some of the most oppressed provinces of Turkey; but never, under the most despotic of infidel governments, did I behold such squalid wretchedness as I have seen since my return, in the very heart of a Christian country”


can’t believe i’m thinking about how our new king likes to imagine himself as a feminine hygiene product

what a rollercoaster of emotions this last 24 hours has been

Retracted my prior, seemingly inflammatory, statement and gonna stay off of the forums for a while because all the negativity surrounding the late Queen is depressing to see.

You all stay safe, warm and fed Peevers.

not if liz truss has anything to say about it :pensive:


Fine, all stay warm and save except for the british then.

Thank you Sindri.


Also goes for the dutch by the way 198 euro for 1 megawatt/hour of gas…

‘We’ are not, and that’s the problem. That’s my #1 beef; people who will willingly, eagerly jump at the obvious scapegoat and figurehead, teeth gnashing, while ignoring the people with the ACTUAL power, who have rigged the entire system, who are ACTUALLY making off with all the money. The %*&$ Tories.

A Government that cared could go “Sorry, we’re putting off the State Funeral until the crisis has passed, these are unprecedented times” and I’m sure the majority would nod and go “That makes sense.”
Except the only thing Tories love more than spitting on ‘the poors’ is [Censored] some good old Tradition, dontcherknow?

Peoples lack of priorities, proportionality and grip on reality staggers me. Still, somehow.


Why can’t I throw hands with both? :frowning:

I’m split on this
on the one hand we have the current heating prices
on the other hand there’s global warming and those CO₂ numbers are bad

Only got so many hands to throw, gotta be careful otherwise it will lead to hand inflation

Because the Tories deserve both hands :triumph:

im just in it for the memes from ireland tbh

None of this would have happened if Francis sat on the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland as he rightfully should.

But the Tories & the Monarchy are basically all part of the same, incestuous system: the aristocracy.

i dont say this often.
or ever.
but i think the french were onto something

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